Hey 2014…WHERE Did You Go?? (A Pre-New Year Reflection)



Another year gone by– just like that.


I know I say this every year, but as I get older, time really does seem to fly. I mean, it feels like just yesterday I graduated from college, moved to the city, went vegan, and started this blog. Now–4 years later– so much has happened in my life (both good and bad), but I feel like I’m finally on the right path and taking the right steps to become the person I want to be.


“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.” –George A. Sheehan


Isn’t it funny how much things change?


People change. Relationships change. Priorities change. New friendships are forged, old friendship are revisited,  and sadly some friendships just fizzle away. As time passes, it may be hard to remember why certain things seemed so important to us and why other things didn’t seem important enough. Regardless, no matter how much change takes place in our lives, it’s vital to recognize one little fact– when transformations take place, we’re not giving these parts of our lives up…we’re gaining something else much bigger. We’re unearthing a deeper connection to ourselves that will hopefully take us one step closer to realizing our dreams.


“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.” – Anaïs Nin


This year has been quite a year for me– and my life has changed a bit since my last New Year’s blog post. On the upside, I’ve had the chance to visit some wonderful places and see some wonderful things. I traveled to California and celebrated my 27th birthday at a delicious vegan restaurant outside of L.A., I enjoyed a sun-filled, tropical, Aruba vacation with my loving boyfriend, spent time with family and friends over the summer in beautiful Cape Cod, and enjoyed the “City that Never Sleeps” in all its holiday glory. I also had the chance to see four of my closest friends walk down the aisle and marry the loves of their lives (there really is no better feeling in the world than knowing that the people who you hold so near and dear in your heart now have their hearts taken care of for the rest of their lives :) ).

On the fitness front, this year has been extra exciting. I became a Spinning instructor at my gym, Healthworks Fitness Center for Women, and I finally took the plunge and am in the middle of pursuing my NASM Personal Training Certification. For a time I was diligently studying for the GRE, as I plan to pursue my Master’s degree in a health/fitness concentration at some point in the near future, but until I can decide 100% what field I want to be in (and seeing as I have none of those pesky science requirements completed before I can actually apply to any of the programs I am interested in) this chapter of my life is still a work in progress– something I am still learning to be okay with :) . I love nothing more than expanding my knowledge and constantly learning new things, and I am lucky that my passion (health and fitness) is an ever-developing field. This means I’ll always have something new to discover and share with all of you!

On the downside, this year has also had its challenges (but we’ll keep it light for today :) ). For starters, I have not devoted half of the time and energy I want and need to devote to this blog and my other writing prospects. My full-time job has changed quite drastically and while more responsibility and new challenges are privileges I gladly welcome, I have found that after stressful day at work and long hours on the computer, my creative energy starts running pretty dry (as I write this post, I am on my first real vacation since April– and those creative juices are finally flowing again! Woo hoo!). The funny thing is, this blog makes me pretty damn happy, and once I just sit down and start writing, I feel at home and I quickly forget about any stress that may be wearing on me. In actuality, I should probably be writing MORE to de-stress after a yucky day.


One of my goals for 2015?


Credit: http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk





There are so many things I want to share and so many things I want to accomplish– including trying out and reviewing a variety of fitness classes in the Boston area (so far these past few weeks I’ve conquered BODYPUMP, SoulCycle, and Turnstyle Cycle!). I also plan to tackle some other group fitness certifications. I’d love to teach a variety of classes at my club and/or other local gyms. But most important of all, I want to challenge myself.  Sure, taking on more responsibility at work, studying to become a NASM-CPT, and working towards graduate school are challenges in themselves…but I want to challenge my mind and body in a few different ways in 2015.


First, I want to push my body to be stronger and fitter than ever before– and I want to do it the healthy way.






Yes, I workout like crazy and eat healthy, but I certainly don’t get enough sleep and I certainly don’t always give my body all the recovery it deserves and needs (this personal training certification is teaching me so much already!). So this year, I vow to check-in and listen to my body and give it what it needs when it needs it a little more diligently this time around– I have a feeling the results will be surprising :) .


Second, I vow to be at peace with where I am now.





















It’s so easy to get caught in up everyone else’s lives– who’s coming, who’s going, who’s accomplishing what and when. The truth is– NONE OF THAT SHOULD MATTER! Facebook and Instagram (of which I both use and love!) make it so easy to compare yourself to the rose-colored life presented by others– to worry about who’s buying a house, who’s getting married, who’s having kids, who has a kick ass job, who’s losing weight/gaining weight, and who’s making more money. The fact of the matter is, life isn’t a race– and for someone like me who is VERY competitive…I can easily get caught up in the whole “Keeping up with the Joneses”  thing. But when I really step back and think about it– I realize what’s the rush? I’m on my way to becoming the successful, happy person I want to be and as long as I’m reaching my goals…I see no reason to want to be like anyone but myself :) . Everything is going to fall into place exactly when it’s supposed to.


Third, I want to bring a whole lot more LOVE into my life this year.






That means I’m focusing on what’s really important– relationships. Family and friends bring color to your life, and when you start to let those loving relationships fade away, the color fades too. I know it’s impossible to stay connected to everyone (and not every relationship is a positive one that deserves your time and attention) but it’s important to hold on to the people in your life who make you want to be a better person — both inside and out. I for one know I’ve (unintentionally) lost touch with some pretty spectacular and special people over the past few years. Life gets crazy, careers take precedence, people move, and time flies by. That’s why I’m making it my goal to fill my heart up with as many family and friends  (and memories!) as I can this year. (Hey friends, wanna hang?! Reach out to me! :) ).


So what’s my plan for 2015?

Sit back and enjoy the ride!





Well… maybe we won’t sit ;)


I have plenty on my plate to keep me busy, and of course I’ll keep you all informed about new developments along the way. But like I said earlier, time isn’t getting any slower and I intend to live and love every moment to the fullest. So cheers to 2015 everyone! Let’s hit our goals and make some great memories. You’re going to see (and hear!) a heck of a lot more from me this year ;) .


Healthfully Yours,

Ashley Michelle



Hey prettyfitlifers! I LOVE to hear from you!


What do you want to see on Pretty Fit Life this year?

What kinds of articles/recipes/fitness tips?

Let me know!

The content on this blog is for YOU!



Back in Action! Rockin’ Your New Year’s Resolutions


I have three addictions.





Statement necklaces.







I swear — I’ll never get bored with a single one of them as long as I’m experimenting with the latest trends (YES. Smoothies can be trendy. And NO I will not be giving up any of these three things for a New Year’s resolution. You can’t make me).


Shoes and jewelry exciting? Sure! I’d bet most of you are on board with that. But smoothies? You’re probably thinking that they can be pretty boring– but I beg to differ! In fact, this past fall I did a 30-day smoothie challenge and wasn’t bored one bit! It all started when I kept Instagramming pictures of my tasty smoothie concoctions day after day. Finally, a friend asked if I was doing some sort of smoothie challenge. When I told her I wasn’t, she demanded I create  little a project out of this thing in the form of a 30-day challenge. It sounded pretty fun to me so I obliged.



I never turn down a challenge.


For 30 days I had a healthy vegan smoothie for lunch and/or dinner (sometimes breakfast too!) and experimented with different ways to keep them interesting. And you know what? I enjoyed whipping up tasty recipes so much that I extended challenge well beyond the 30 days. You may think I’m crazy, but allow me to let you in on a little secret….


If you do something over and over again, it becomes HABIT! (Promise).


Eventually that habit will become routine, and routine ultimately shapes your life. Once you truly put your mind to something and get in a groove, it becomes much easier for you to implement change into your daily life. Some people say it takes 21 days to create a new habit, but I don’t exactly believe that’s true (and neither do scientists). The reason? Everyone’s brain is different. For instance, it usually takes me three or four days before I can get into a new routine, but it may take someone else longer– and that’s okay! Change is never easy, but it does get easier over time (you know it’s the truth!).


And what better time for change than now?!

Can I get a “Happy New Year?!”




Credit: brit.co



Now that it’s officially 2014, the resolution season is upon us (over a week upon us at that!)…and you know what that means– everyone and their roommate, sister, brother, mother, boyfriend, uncle (etc…) is promising to exercise more, eat right, start a cleanse, and lose those stubborn pounds. First of all, I applaud you for wanting to take charge of your health– there’s absolutely nothing wrong with resolving to be a healthier, happier, better version of  YOU. However, moderation is key and tackling your resolutions in a healthy, mindful way will make all the difference in the world when it comes to resolution success.


While I can’t exactly be there in person cheering you on at the gym, cooking up your dinner, and reminding you to put down the pint of ice cream (I swear I would if I could!), I can help to get you on the right track. I’ll be here posting healthy recipes, ideas, and motivating tips to keep you inspired along the way–feel free to Instagram, tweet, comment, and Facebook me with your progress! I love to hear from my prettyfitlifers :) (P.S. WATCH OUT WORLD! I just got a Ninja blender over the holidays so keep an eye out for all my tips and tricks for building a better smoothie!).


And don’t worry if you haven’t set any healthy goals yet– you have the ability to start now!  But to get you started off on the right foot, I thought I’d share a few of my tried and true tips for success first:



Ashley’s Tips for Success:


1.) Be realistic:

That list you made with 20 different resolutions? Guess what. You’re biting off more than you can chew, and that’s a recipe for failure. Try to pick the resolutions that mean the most to you (stick to one to five, although even five is a bit generous) and focus all of your energy there. After all, there’s no need to overwhelm yourself before you’ve even started! Set yourself up for success, and success will be yours. REMEMBER: A New Year’s resolution doesn’t need to start the minute the clock strikes midnight on January 1st. You can start today, or you can start tomorrow or the day after that. JUST REMEMBER– YOU NEED TO START :) .


2.) Be specific:

Do you want to eat healthier? Do you want a toned, energetic body? Do you want to try a vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free diet? Rather than just saying these things, PLAN out how you are going to accomplish these goals. Your focus should be on making lifestyle changes that you can carry over from year to year rather than starting crazy crash diets and cleanses that will keep you on track for a week only to make you irritable, starving, and ready raid the cabinets for a decent snack. Instead, plan out a specific approach.  For example, start eating healthier by packing a healthy, veggie-filled lunch the night before so you aren’t tempted to hit the vending machines or unhealthy cafeteria food at work. Get a healthy, toned, energized bod by cutting out processed foods and sugar and make a point to sweat it out (almost) every day (yes, walking and yoga can count! Just crank up the intensity ladies). Try a plant-based diet, but taper off slowly. Swap regular milk for almond milk in your oatmeal or smoothies and commit to eating fish/meat only three (mayyybe four) times a week. As you get more comfortable with creating hearty, plant-based recipes, you can reduce meat consumption further (i.e. eat organic meat just 1-2 times per week, cut out cheese and dairy etc…).


3.) Write it down!

Once you know the direction you’re headed…WRITE IT DOWN! Buy yourself a pretty little notebook and create a contract for yourself based upon the plans you’ve devised above. Use the notebook to keep track of your successes, and yes, even failures. A slip up doesn’t mean you’ve blown the rest of 2014…after all, you have the whole entire year ahead of you to make up for it! Write down the mistake, accept that it happened, and move forward. Having to write down that you didn’t do something is often motivation enough to get you back on track and working even harder than before.


4.) Hold yourself accountable:

Tell people your plans! I don’t mean you have to broadcast all over Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, but if that’s your thing…go for it. Tell your best friend, your boyfriend, your roommate, you mom and let them know how motivated you are to keep up your healthy New Year’s habits. Have them to check in with you or ask you how it’s going. If those who are close to you know your plans and feel as though they are a part of them, they just might cut you some slack when you ask if you can host a healthy dinner party at your place instead of  heading out for game-day pizza and beer :) .


5.) Be positive:

I can’t stress this one enough. BE POSITIVE, BE POSITIVE, BE POSITIVE! Change takes time– it isn’t going to happen overnight. But you are going to hit your goals much faster if you are positive during the process. Negative energy is crippling– believe in yourself and have faith. If you want change badly enough, you will get there. You’ve already committed…that’s the hardest part of all. Now sit back and enjoy the ride!


6.) Reward yourself with love and happy things:

Okay, this sounds a bit fluffier than it really is but hear me out. Changing your lifestyle, being healthy, and keeping New Year’s resolutions are hard! be sure to love and honor yourself throughout the process. Meditate, buy yourself a nice book, take a bubble bath, get a manicure, buy new workout clothes, get a massage, take a nap, bake a healthy treat (don’t reward yourself with naughty food!)….the option is yours! Set some goals for yourself in that little notebook of yours and do something nice for yourself each time you reach one. After all…you deserve it!


 It also doesn’t hurt to find a little inspiration :)


Credit: quotesandsayingsblog.com


Credit: herbalife mom


Credit: thethingswesay.com

Credit: Pinterest.com

Credit: yourdailyenlightenment.wordpress.com


Credit: Pinterest.com

Credit: dailypositivequotes.com

Credit: peachypalate.com

Credit: Pinterest.com








My new year’s resolution?


To get back into my blogging schedule! Life got a little hectic these past few months, but I’m back and better than ever before. I can’t wait to share my healthy posts with you all and I can’t thank you enough for all of your loyalty and support– I love each and every one of you to the moon and back. And if I can leave you with just one word of advice as you head off to conquer those resolutions for the rest of 2014, it’s this:


Stay motivated and you will amaze yourself at what you can do!




Healthfully yours,


Ashley Michelle xo








Fit for Life: Clean & Lean

Photo Credit: http://www.organicsoul.com


“Fit is not a destination…


 it’s a way of life.”



I absolutely, positively love this quote.


It perfectly encompasses my philosophy on health and fitness. Health is not something I, nor you, should take lightly, and it’s certainly not something you can put a timeline on. That’s because when you commit to making a change and beginning a journey to a fitter, healthier, happier you…there is no finish line. Your health isn’t a race with a final destination–it’s a movement. It’s an awakening.  And the changes that bring you the most success are the ones that become so natural, so intrinsic and habitual, that they become a part of your very being.


Don’t get me wrong… getting to that point in your health is hard. Just like breaking a bad habit takes time, forming a new one takes practice and time–especially when you are working to change something that you’ve been used to doing every day. But that’s why you need to start small. Choose a side salad over a side of mashed potatoes. Cucumber slices and hummus over french fries or chips. A cup of chia pudding or fruit salad over a sundae or candy. A bowl of oatmeal or a smoothie over a doughnut (or even worse) no breakfast at all.


But whatever you do, please remember. Don’t beat yourself up. After all, (and I’ll say it again and again until you believe it) no one is perfect! You did read my last two posts, right ;) ? Now that doesn’t mean you get a free pass or shouldn’t push yourself too hard, however. After all, part of change means being comfortable with being uncomfortable, pushing your body to the limit, sometime saying “no,” sometimes saying “yes,”  feeling the pain, and acknowledging, yeah…change is tough! But I want it.


 Isn’t the fact that’s it’s tough exactly what makes change so darn rewarding?


I guarantee once you begin to make healthy lifestyle changes and you see how happy and amazing you look and feel on the inside and out…that’s the only proof you’ll need. You’ll forget all about the race to the finish and instead, you’ll never want the journey to end :) .






















Now, I know that these past few days I’ve talked a lot about detoxing your body, eating clean, powerful foods, committing to make healthy lifestyle changes, and holding yourself accountable for those changes. I can only hope that you’ve found my posts insightful and motivating and most importantly, I hope you feel you are ready to tackle your health head on! I obviously think doing a detox is a great way to kickstart your committment to change, (namely because it forces you to battle those ever-addicting and hard-to-beat food cravings all at once for a short period of time), but I do acknowledge that not everyone can afford to, nor do they want to, spend the money on an expensive detox program. If you’re one of these people and you’ve been thinking about doing a detox, or if you’re just finishing up a cleanse/detox and you’re looking to continue eating clean–I’m here to tell you there are other options.Thankfully by choosing organic, clean, detox-worthy foods, you can gently clean up and “detox” your body day-to-day without purchasing a hardcore cleanse.  But before I get into the food, let’s start off with a list of reasons about why it’s so beneficial to detox in the first place…


Photo Credit: Fashion Salade




Benefits of a Detoxing:

  1. Gain more energy!
  2. Improve digestion/give it a rest
  3. Lose stubborn bloat
  4. Return body to an alkaline state (read more about the health benefits of a low-acid/high alkaline diet here and here or in the Beauty Detox Solution–one of my favorite books!)
  5. Improve immune function
  6. Generate new cells
  7. Kick that sweet tooth (I have a secret…when you start eating healthy foods, you won’t crave sugary, processed junk anymore! Pinky swear.)
  8. Develop a taste for fresh, healthy foods (that’s what happen when you cut out sugar!)
  9. Fight cancer cells
  10. Get clearer skin, brighter eyes,  & healthier hair
  11. Improve function of your body’s organs (namely your liver, which works  to metabolize fat and proteins, filter the blood, remove toxins, regulate glucose levels, and store vitamins, iron and glycogen)
  12. Purify your blood
  13. Increase mental clarity
  14. Reduce inflammation
  15. Feel  light, glowing, & amazing!
  16. Fall in LOVE with your body! (Because you feel and look so darn great :) )


The following foods perfect detox-worthy choices. They are full of vitamins and antioxidants, rid the body of toxins, cleanse the colon/liver, boost digestion, are great sources of fiber, act as diuretics, reduce inflammation and boost your metabolism.


While this list is not 100% exclusive, these are some of the top detox-foods (and are some of my personal favorites!). Feel free to do some extra research on your own if you’re looking to extend this list.


Photo Credit: ivillage.ca



Foods to Choose:

  1. Acai berries
  2. Apples
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar
  4. Artichokes
  5. Asparagus
  6. Basil
  7. Beets
  8. Blueberries
  9. Broccoli
  10. Brown Rice (in moderation)
  11. Brussel Sprouts
  12. Cabbage
  13. Carrots
  14. Cayenne Pepper
  15. Chia Seeds
  16. Cilantro
  17. Cinnamon
  18. Collard Greens
  19. Cucumbers
  20. Dandelion Greens
  21. Fennel
  22. Garlic
  23. Ginger
  24. Grapefruits
  25. Kale
  26. Legumes
  27. Lemon/Warm Lemon Water
  28. Lemongrass
  29. Nuts
  30. Papaya
  31. Onion
  32. Oranges
  33. Parsley
  34. Pineapple
  35. Probiotics*
  36. Seeds
  37. Sprouts
  38. Strawberries
  39. Sunchokes
  40. Tea (caffeine free!)
  41. Quinoa (in moderation)
  42. Vegan Protein Powder**
  43. WATER!!!
  44. Watercress
  45. Wheatgrass


*Technically not a food…but GREAT for your gut!

**Look for an organic, natural, rice, hemp, chia, pea, & seed blend (my favorites are Garden of Life- RAW Protein and VEGA Protein

(Read more about detox foods here)



The following foods should be avoided/limited if you are looking to kindly detox your body.


Photo Credit: Envision/Corbis




Foods to Limit:

  1. Alcohol*
  2. Artificial Sweeteners
  3. Bananas*
  4. Caffeine (coffee &tea)
  5. Carbonated Beverages (bloat)*
  6. Corn**
  7. Dairy Products (if not vegan)*
  8. Dried Fruits
  9. Edamame
  10. Eggs (if not vegan)
  11. Gluten (wheat, barley, rye)*
  12. Fast Foods
  13. Fried Foods (unhealthy fats and oils)
  14. Non-organic fruits/veggies/protein***
  15. Processed Foods (anything flavored or chemical based)
  16. Juices (if not fresh squeezed/juiced)
  17. Processed Soy Products
  18. Carbonated Beverages (bloat)*
  19. Salt
  20. Sugars (especially those including high fructose corn syrup)
  21. Tobacco (duh!)
  22. Balsamic Vinegar*
  23. White Rice


* These should be eliminated if doing a strict detox, otherwise they can be enjoyed in limited quantities.

**Corn and Edamame have risk of being GMOs. Corn is hard to digest and is also high in sugar (like bananas). If eating edamame, be sure it is organic.

*** See next list for more details about organic vs. non-organic foods



It’s important to choose certified organic foods during a detox because the whole point is to rid your body of toxins and chemicals. Unlike organic produce, non-organic foods are often grown using pesticides and other chemicals that could be harmful to our health and increase toxins in our bodies.


Even worse? Non-organic foods run the risk of being genetically modified. You can read all about GMOs and organic vs. non-organic foods in my earlier post. The following list of fruits and veggies, which are known as the “Dirty Dozen,” should be purchased organic as much as possible due to the risk of high pesticide levels:
















The “Dirty Dozen:”

  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Strawberries
  4. Peaches
  5. Spinach
  6. Nectarines (imported)
  7. Grapes (imported)
  8. Sweet Bell Peppers
  9. Potatoes
  10. Cucumbers
  11. Blueberries
  12. Lettuce
  13. (Plus: Green Beans, Kale/Collard Greens)*
*These items have recently shown an increase in pesticide levels as compared to earlier years. While not officially in the dirty dozen, it’s worth keeping an eye out and buying organic when you can.


While buying organic is always a safer choice, we all know it’s not always financially possible! The following fruits & veggies are deemed the “Clean Fifteen” due to their low pesticide residues. I still am an advocate for all things organic, but if you can’t buy the organic versions of these guys all the time…it’s okay :) . Read more about the “Clean 15″ and “Dirty Dozen” here.

Photo Credit: Health Magazin



















The “Clean Fifteen:”

  1. Onions
  2. Sweet Corn*
  3. Pineapple
  4. Avocado
  5. Cabbage
  6. Sweet Peas
  7. Asparagus
  8. Mangoes
  9. Eggplant
  10. Kiwi
  11. Cantaloupe (domestic)
  12. Sweet Potatoes
  13. Grapefruit
  14. Watermelon
  15. Mushrooms

* GMO sweet corn does not need to be identified as such in stores. If you are concerned about GMOs…go organic!


I find it super helpful to print these lists out and stick them on my fridge or in my wallet, that way I’m constantly reminded about what foods I should be incorporating into my diet and what foods I should be limiting. Now you don’t have to go buying every single food on the “Foods to Choose” list tomorrow, however, if you make a concerted effort to add two or three of these foods into your diet and remove one or two of the unfriendly detox foods from your diet this week, you are well on your way to a healthier you! As you begin to feel more confident about changing your habits, you can feel free to incorporate more of the fresh, heathy, detox foods into your meal routines and eliminate the detox-sabatoging foods. It may be difficult not to cheat at first, but I promise–once you give your body a break from unhealthy foods, your cravings will diminish. All you need to do is commit to healthy change. After all, the power is in YOU! :)




Healthfully Yours,


Ashley Michelle






Naughty Biscotti (Gluten-Free!)


Being ordinary is so boring.

After all…

Sometimes it’s fun to break the rules ;)


I hope you’re ready. Because things are about to get naughty in the kitchen.


And when it comes to rules…this next recipe BREAKS. THEM. ALL.


It all started when I was hit with a doozy of a cold earlier this week. All I wanted to do was throw on pj’s and curl up on the couch with my fuzzy leopard blanket and a hot mug of tea.


Lots and LOTS of tea. (I can’t even begin to tell you how many  different variations of tea I have going on in my cupboard right now).


And you know what goes great with a cup of tea? Or coffee, if that’s how you roll…




Okay, okay. Before you think I’m crazy… just hear me out. I already know what you’re thinking.


“Biscotti?! That hard-as-a-rock excuse for a cookie?” And yes. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Except the biscotti I’m referring to isn’t the least bit crunchy, dry, or hard to chew. In fact, MY biscotti recipe is just the opposite.


Soft and chewy like a cookie, but with that distinct biscotti flavor?





Or is it…



You just may never, EVER want traditional biscotti again. Plus… this biscotti is gluten-free and full of fiber and protein!


Guilt-free and delicious?



If eating naughty biscotti is wrong…baby, I don’t want to be right.




  •  2 cans of organic garbanzo beans (preferably low sodium)
  • 1/4 cup of pureed pumpkin
  • 3/4 cup of brown sugar (you can definitely get away with less sugar if you are used to eating low-sugar desserts, however, this amount satisfies even the non-vegan sweet tooth).
  • 1 heaping cup of blended oats
  • Slightly under 1/4 cup of almond milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • Slivered almonds (for sprinkling)
  • Chocolate chips (for sprinkling and melting as a drizzle).
  • Optional: Sweet Leaf Vanilla Creme stevia drops
  • Preheat the oven to 350º
  • Blend all the ingredients in a food processor until VERY smooth.
  • Spray a baking dish (8×8 or 9×9 should do) with all natural canola oil cooking spray or coconut oil cooking spray.
  • Pour batter into a baking dish and bake for 45-50 minutes (top should begin to crack but inside should be chewy).
  • Drizzle with melted chocolate/chocolate chips (using vegan chocolate chips) and almonds slivers.
  • Slice into bars and EAT!


This is definitely one cookie that WON’T disappoint ;)


I have to admit. The inspiration for this week’s recipe came from another source as well. You see, biscotti is traditionally an Italian dessert originating from the city of Prato (the name comes from the latin word biscoctus, which means “twice-baked/cooked”). Well, I just happen to be traveling to Italy for the next 10 days! My plane leaves in a couple of hours so I HAD to get one last post in before I take a short break from the blogging.

Don’t worry! I promise I will have LOTS of fun stories and recipes and pictures to share. Plus, it should be pretty interesting being vegan in a country known for it’s not-so-vegan cuisine :)


Have any of you ever traveled to Italy? What was your favorite part? I’d love to hear so I can compare comments when I get back!



Ciao Bellas!



Healthfully yours,

Ashley Michelle








Soft & Chewy Cinnamon Spice Cookies (Gluten-Free!)


Put away those beachy flip-flops and bring on the boots!


It’s time for apple picking and winery tours and scarves and blazers…


After all, it’s almost FALL :)



Okay, okay. I know it’s technically still summer (and you can most certainly get in a few more beach weekends before it’s all said and done) but you have to admit… September snuck up on us  just a tad quicker than usual this year.


And I’m going to be very honest.


I still don’t know quite how to handle the changing of the seasons without expecting some sort of major life transition to go right along with it. I mean, this will be my third fall not going back to college…


My third.


Holy smokes I am OLD.


And yet, three years later, I still feel like I should be making those infamous trips to Target, packing up the car with oversized storage bins, and buying fluffy pink decor to pretty-fy my generic, empty apartment shared by four 20-something year old girls.


Now, instead, I’m making weekly trips to the grocery store, packing a well-balanced lunch for work everyday, and running to Homegoods and Bed Bath and Beyond in an attempt to purchase sophisticated decor and grown-up-ify my simple, one bedroom apartment–which I now share with a boy.


Oh how the times have changed…(even though I do still miss those pink fluffy pillows :) )


Still, there’s something pretty darn nice about not having to spend the weekend in the library or pulling all-nighters studying for exams. That leaves me plenty of time for vegan recipe testing, tasting, and blogging.


Oh yeah…

And working full-time means I can now afford wine that comes in a bottle instead of a box ;)




Other fall traditions to look forward to?

  1. Football (GO PATS!)
  2. Cinnamon-inspired baking
  3. Nashoba Valley Blueberry wine (Seriously. This stuff is heavenly)
  4. A very hungry, football-watching boyfriend (aka professional taste-tester)



But the BEST part of all about the impending fall season…?




I can get a litttttle recipe crazy :)




And thank goodness I do.

Or I wouldn’t have whipped up these little buggers!


(Ahem. I mean…healthy, fiber-rich, protein-filled, and gluten-free little buggers at that!)



Soft & Chewy Cinnamon Spice Cookies




  • 1 can garbanzo beans
  • 1 cup of whole grain oats (blended to a powder)
  • 1/3 cup of pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling…100% pumpkin!)
  • 3 packets of stevia
  • 2 tablespoons of unsweetened almond milk
  • 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup of brown sugar (you could try to cut this amount in half and increase amount of stevia, or,  omit altogether– just be sure to add 1-2 more tablespoons of almond milk or the batter will be too thick. You could probably use dates instead of sugar to make this 100% sugar-free, however, the consistency may be a bit chewy).
  • 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • Slightly under 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • Dash of salt




(Makes roughly 15-20 cookies depending upon whether you want baby cookies or bigger cookies…or eat half the batter like me ;) )

**Be sure to use a VERY good food processor or a blender like a Magic Bullet or Nutribullet–you may have to split into batches if you choose the blender option, however**




  • Preheat the oven to 350º
  • Blend the garbanzo beans, pumpkin, milk, vanilla, and oil until smooth.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients to the bean mixture and blend VERY well (the mixture will be sticky)
  • Spray a cookie sheet with all-natural, non-stick cooking spray and form the dough into balls.
  • Cook for 16-18 minutes (or until tops start to brown).
I know you are obviously running off to the kitchen to make these yummy cookies right about, well,  NOW…so don’t worry–I won’t bore you with all the dirty details about the health benefits of these cookies’ ingredients. However, you can read all about the health benefits of cinnamon and pumpkin here while your waiting for your treats to come out of the oven ;)



And when they do…


they’ll look like THIS.



So soft and chewy on the inside…





I DARE you to not take a bite… ;)



Healthfully yours,


Ashley Michelle




Fresh and Fruity Summer Gazpacho



You’re so fruity…


but that’s JUST the way I like it!


Thankfully being called fruity isn’t always a bad thing…especially when you’re describing this fabbbb-u-lous summer soup.


Now, I know what you’re thinking… “Fruit in SOUP?? That’s crazy talk!” But trust me! This soup isn’t the average cozy, warm, comfort food you’ve come to know. Instead, it’s served fresh and chilled,  just like traditional gazpacho. I promise, this little gem of a recipe is so gosh darn TASTY you’ll be slurping it up well past Labor Day.


The inspiration for my Fresh and Fruity Summer Gazpacho all began when I went out for an impromptu dinner with the boyfriend. After days of hot, humid, and sticky weather the last thing I wanted to do was go out and eat a heavy meal. I did have a hankering for a nice glass (or two!) of wine however. So, needless to say, I managed to I scrounge up some motivation to get out of the house :)


Off we went to Christopher’s, a casual neighborhood bar and restaurant walking distance from our apartment. I adore this little place because they pride themselves on using all-natural ingredients and have plenty of vegan/vegetarian-friendly options to choose from–even though they’re known for their burgers. Oh, and they serve a great malbec to boot ;)


The boyfriend ordered his usual burger along with a side of sweet potato fries while I decided on two appetizer specials as my main meal– a roasted red pepper and artichoke hummus platter served up with celery, carrots, and pita wedges (it came with pita chips, but our waitress graciously allowed me to sub the chips for an un-fried alternative) along with a side of chilled fruit. The chilled fruit was actually an orange and watermelon based soup, served with yogurt and mint (again, my lovely waitress allowed me to keep it vegan and omit the yogurt…thank you patient waitress!). As soon as I tasted the chilled fruit… I was hooked. It was cool and smooth without being overly sweet–just perfect for this hot and humid summer night.


Immediately, I knew I had to rush home and whip up my own version. We even made a pit stop at the grocery store along the way just so I could pick up all the ingredients :) .



Fresh and Fruity Summer Gazpacho

(Perfect as a light appetizer, snack, or dessert!)




  • 4 heaping cups of watermelon, chopped
  • Juice of 1-2 oranges (roughly 1/2 cup)
  • 2 peaches, chopped
  • 8-10 large strawberries, chopped
  • large handful of fresh mint, chopped (NOTE: you could also try a smaller amount of basil instead of mint to tone down the sweetness and a litle savory zing to your soup!)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice (optional)



  • Blend watermelon in a high speed blender or food processor until liquified (I blended mine in my Nutribullet, 2 cups at a time). Then transfer to a medium bowl.
  • Add 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice, the chopped fruit and mint to the same bowl. Whisk together.
  • Stir in 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice (optional).
  • Portion out the soup into 2-4 bowls (depending upon how hungry you are!).
  • Garnish with a mint sprig and/or orange slice, watermelon cube, strawberry etc…


And VOILA! You have a totally chill summer treat :)


NOTE: Feel free to get creative with your fruit! Toss in some blueberries for color, or blend half watermelon and half cantaloup for a smoother, and slightly creamier tasting soup :)


The best part of all? This simple soup is super healthy!


C’mon now…you didn’t really think I was going to give you a yummy recipe without explaining all the fabulous health benefits it has to offer did you?? :)


Heath Benefits of Watermelon


Photo Credit: http://www.whataboutwatermelon.com


  • Fat-free! (need I say more?)
  • Low-calorie (due to it’s high water content–roughly 92%– one cup has just 48 calories!)
  • High in vitamin C (reduces the risk of heart disease, asthma, colon cancer, arthritis symptoms, boosts immunity, heals wounds, prevents cell damage, helps prevent aging, protects against free radicals and promotes healthy teeth and gums. Watermelon has 21% of the daily value of vitamin C).
  • High in vitamin A and  beta-carotene (like vitamin C, beta-carotene reduces the risk of heart disease, asthma, colon cancer, arthritis symptoms while vitamin A promotes eye-health).
  • High in lycopene (watermelon has the highest concentration of lycopene found in any fruit or vegetable…even more than tomatoes! Lycopene is a cancer-preventing antioxidant that fights off colon, prostate, breast, lung, and endometrial cancers. Lycopene also protects the body from oxygen damage, protects the DNA in white blood cells, and protects the heart).
  • Source of vitamin B6 (which converts protein to energy and aids in brain function).
  • High in potassium (which regulates the body’s electrolyte and acid/base balance, helps nerve and muscle function, reduces the risk of high blood pressure).
  • Contains citrulline and arginine (together, these essential amino acids improve cardiovascular function, maintain arteries, improve bloodflow, reduce muscle fatigue, repair damaged muscle/bone, reduce healing time for injuries, serve as a precursor for synthesis of nitric oxide, remove ammonia from the body, improve insulin resistance, and help decrease blood pressure).

Health Benefits of Strawberries


Photo Credit: http://www.chefsexpressions.com

(Check out my original post for Oh So Sassy Strawberry Shortcake here!)
  • Fat-free!
  • Low-calorie (1 1/2 cups charts in at less than 100 calories!)
  • Low-sugar
  • High in vitamin C  (Just 1-cup of strawberries will give you 100% of your daily vitamin C requirement. It is important to obtain your daily vitamin C requirement from food, since humans are one of the only mammals who cannot produce it naturally).
  • Contains a phytochemical known as ellagic acid (which has the ability to suppress cancer cell growth, prevent collagen destruction, fight cholesterol, and prevent inflammation).
  •  Contain lutein and zeaxanthin (these powerful antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals** that have a negative effect on cells).
  • High in antioxidants
  • Contain flavanoids and phytochemicals (these help to reduce harmful blood lipids and oxidative damage—two markers for heart disease and diabetes).
  • High in potassium (just like in watermelon, potassium regulates the body’s electrolyte and acid/base balance, helps nerve/muscle function, and reduces the risk of high blood pressure).
  • High in fiber (fiber improves digestive health, quells hunger, and can also help to fight type-2 diabetes due to its ability to slow the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream).
  • Good source of folate (folate promotes pre-natal health and is important in the early stages of pregnancy as it aids in proper development of the baby’s spinal cord, brain, and skull).
  • Contains folic acid (which may help to prevent serious birth defects like spina bifida).
**I’m sure you’ve heard the terms “free radicals” thrown around by the news and various health sources a lot lately, but you may not know exactly what they are. Free radicals are actually damaged, degenerated cells that in an effort to repair and regenerate themselves, end up damaging and weakening the healthy cells around them. This can lead to cancer. This is why it’s important to fight those free radicals with proper nutrition!**

Health Benefits of Peaches:

Photo Credit: http://www.tropicalproducts.net

  • Fat-free!
  • Low-calorie (approx. 30 calories in a medium peach).
  • Contains potassium (provides 8% of the daily requirement, or 140 mg).
  • High levels of beta-carotene (which the body turns into vitamin A).
  • High in vitamin C (just like strawberries and watermelon).
  • Good sources of lutein and lycopene (these carotenes and flavonoids–also present in watermelon and strawberries–help prevent macular degeneration, heart disease and cancer).
  • High in fiber (promotes overall colon and digestive health).



Health Benefits of Oranges:


Photo Credit: http://www.thedailygreen.com

  • Rich in vitamin C (duh :) ).
  • Contains hesperidin (this flavonoid can help decrease blood pressure).
  • Rich in magnesium (which improves bone health/bone density).
  • Decreases LDL cholesterol (due to high concentration of flavonoids).
  • High in fiber
  • Rich in folate
  • Reduces inflammation (this can help prevent cardiovascular disease).
  • Contains most of the B- vitamin complex (including B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6 and B-9).
  • Contains calcium, potassium, magnesium

Health Benefits of Mint:


Photo Credit: http://www.herbcompanion.com

  • Has antibacterial properties
  • Rich in flavonoids (which protect cells from aging and act as antioxidants).
  • Soothes the stomach/aids in digestion (flavonoids may help relieve gas spasms in the intestines).
  • Source of vitamin A (due to beta-carotene, which is present in mint leaves).
  • Source of vitamin C (one large orange fulfills your daily requirement for the day).
  • Rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium
  • Reduces IBS symptoms (the essential oils help to relax smooth muscles in the sphincter and intestines).
  • Essential oils reduce pain/irritation (menthol is the essential oil responsible for this when applied topically).
  • Increases saliva and bile production (this may help to explain why mint soothes the stomach and suppresses a cough so well).

Pretty cool huh?

Now, go COOL DOWN with a big ol’ bowl of summer gazpacho!




Healthfully yours,

Ashley Michelle 




Surprising Health Benefits of Watermelon

Worlds Healthiest Foods: Watermelon

Health Benefits of Strawberries

Wikipedia: Strawberries

Best Health Magazine

Why Cancer and Inflammation?

Health Benefits of Peaches

Healthy Foods: Peaches

Livestrong: Health Benefits of Mint

Livestrong: Nutritious Elements of Oranges

Livestrong: Health Benefits of Oranges

Skinny-fied Double Chocolate Cake


Calling all chocoholics!


Hey! I’m talking to YOU!


I have a very important announcement to make…

Chocolate CAN be good for you!


Now, before you go all kinds of crazy on me and make a bee-line to your kitchen cabinet for that leftover bag of chocolate chips (and don’t act  like you don’t sneak a few handfuls of chocolate chips every now and then ;) ) allow me to explain.


When I say chocolate is healthy, I’m not talking about chocolate bars, ice cream, brownies, and cake…


I’m talking about UNSWEETENED, UNPROCESSED, NATURAL cocoa powder.


Photo credit: http://www.veganbeautyreview.com


Cocoa is the brownish-colored powder left behind after cocoa butter has been completely removed from cocoa beans. Cocoa powder is also most popularly used for baking. You will find cocoa powder sold in stores in two different forms–natural and alkalized (also known as Dutch-processed).  Natural, unprocessed cocoa powder is a light brown color and has not had anything added to the cocoa beans while being pressed. Alkalized cocoa powder is dark (almost reddish) in color and is much less bitter than natural cocoa powder. While this kind of cocoa is often alkalized to reduce its acidity and improve the taste, it’s best to buy the natural kind. The alkalizing process significantly reduces the beneficial amounts of healthy phenols and antioxidants present in the cocoa powder (an example of alkalized cocoa powder would be Hersey’s cocoa powder).


Antioxidants and phenols??


I bet you didn’t know this guy was full of healthy, cocoa-y GOODNESS! ;)



It’s true! Cocoa powder packs some serious health-related benefits. In fact, its nutritional benefits are significant enough that they’ve been gaining a bevy of recognition from doctors, researchers, and dietitians alike–particularly in regards to cardiovascular and weight management advantages.


YES. Cocoa powder is DIET-FRIENDLY! 

Just one tablespoon has 20 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, no added sugar, and 3 grams of carbohydrates–two grams of which are fiber. But that’s not all! Read below to check out all the other great benefits of this delicious ingredient.


Health Benefits of Cocoa Powder:

  • LOW FAT (0.5 grams in 1 tablespoon!)
  • Sugar FREE!
  • Just 20 calories in 1 tablespoon.
  • High in fiber (2 grams per 1 tablespoon).
  • Diabetes-friendly (no sugar).
  • Contains trace vitamins and minerals like B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and zinc 
  • Contains 10% of the daily required intake of manganese and copper.
  • Rich in heart-healthy sterols and free-radical fighting antioxidants (most notably the antioxidant Flavan-3-ol).
  • Contains more antioxidants than both green tea and red wine!
  • Improves blood flow, which increases cognitive ability, lowers high blood pressure, reduces the risk of blood clots, decreases stress, and improves skin complexion.
  • The presence of Phytosterols (also known as plant sterols) reduces cholesterol and improves heart health.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • Boosts mood due to the presence of phenethylamine (a neurotransmitter that acts as a natural antidepressant) and due to the subsequent release of serotonin following consumption.


But you know what the BEST benefit of all is???



And seeing as cocoa powder is already chock-full of health benefits, tossing it into a slimmed-up dessert is the perfect recipe for a completely delectable, yet totally guilt-free indulgence.


Skinny-fied Double Chocolate Cake

(This recipe serves up a monster piece of cake for one, or can be cut in half and shared with a friend!)


Dry ingredients:

  • 1/3 cup spelt flour (whole wheat flour will work to– but the cake may not be as light and fluffy).
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened, unprocessed, natural cocoa (I like the Trader Joe’s brand, but you can also find it at Whole Foods and online).
  • Slightly under 1/2 teaspoon baking powder.
  • 2-3 packets stevia (or 2 tablespoons organic, all-natural sugar or 3 teaspoons Truvia– feel free to play around with the amount depending upon how much of a sweet tooth you have).
Wet Ingredients:
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon almond milk.
  • 1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract.
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil.
  • Preheat the oven to 330º.
  • Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Set aside.
  • Add all the wet ingredients into a separate bowl. Warm the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds (until coconut oil is melted).
  • Combine the wet and dry ingredients, mixing just until smooth (do not over-mix).
  • Pour into a small baking dish (sprayed with all-natural cooking spray). I use this one from Pier 1 Imports.
  • Bake for 19-20 minutes (until the top of the cake begins to crack).
  • Once cooled, pop out of the baking dish and cut in half.
  • Slather in fudgy frosting on top and in between the two halves of cake to make a sandwich! (See below for my fudgy frosting recipe).


Fudgy Frosting

(makes 1 very large “frosting-lovers” serving or 2 regular-sized frosting servings)
  • 1/2 cup all-natural, organic powdered sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of all-natural cocoa powder (you can find this at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and online. Feel free to add more cocoa if you like dark chocolate frosting!)
  • 3 teaspoons of unsweetened almond milk.
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons Earth Balance Buttery Spread (at room temperature).
  • Optional: 1/4 teaspoon almond extract.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl until smooth.
  • Spread allllll over your cake (that is, if you have any left after taste-testing straight from the bowl!)


Now THAT’S what I call having your cake & eating it too ;)


Let’s Chat!

Are you a chocolate or a vanilla person? I’ve ALWAYS been a vanilla-girl at heart. In fact…I used to HATE chocolate! Yes, it’s true! The strange thing is, I’ve found I’m actually starting to like  (love?) chocolate more and more lately. I guess your taste-buds can change with age after all :)



Healthfully yours,


Ashley Michelle




Livestrong: Benefits of Cocoa Powder 

Livestrong: Is Cocoa Powder Healthy?

Relax for a Delicate Few

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses! (A rose from my Dad--straight from his garden :) )



“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson


Do you often find yourself rushing around, running errands, cleaning your apartment, or going out with friends without taking a moment to slow down and really appreciate the day? This whole “slowing down” concept is something I’m constantly reminding myself to work on, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. After all, we live in a fast-paced, results-driven world. Between going to work, maintaining an active social life and taking care of a family… sometimes relaxing or slowing down just doesn’t seem possible.


That’s why every now and then we need a little reminder about just how important it is to give yourself a break. After all, relaxing is HEALTHY (seriously…the research says so!). Practicing some form of relaxation each day has been known to decrease anxiety and stress levels by reducing cortisol while also increasing happiness and life expectancy.


And let’s be serious.

Who doesn’t want to live a longer, healthier, happier life??


Anyone who knows me is probably thinking “Girlfriend…PUH-LEASE! You should take your OWN advice!” And I totally hear you! I should! Those closest to me would most likely agree that I’m the type of person who moves a little too quickly through life. I’m the kind of girl who writes daily “to-do” lists, follows a strict workout schedule, can’t stand sitting still for more than two minutes at a time, is always looking for a new project to tackle, and sets the alarm before 7:30 on the weekends. Most recently, I’ve been keeping myself extra busy by testing out new recipes to create for this blog :)  (That doesn’t really count though, because it’s what I choose to do on my “down time”).


So am I a control freak? Perhaps.

Efficient. Yes.

Happy? Sometimes.

And that’s exactly where the problem lies.


Being happy “sometimes” just isn’t enough. Not for me. Not for anyone.

We deserve more!


I often find that my regimented lifestyle is both a blessing and curse. Maybe you find the same is true with yours. Do I get things done on deadline? ABSOLUTELY. This is great when it comes to work. However, being so organized and strict with my daily schedules certainly has its drawbacks when it comes to spontaneous social situations or simply allowing myself to (gasp!) do nothing at all.


Case in point: Cancel my evening spinning class for drinks out on the town? Probably isn’t going to happen without some serious coaxing. The mere thought of not following my schedule seems incomprehensible even though deep down I know I’d truly LOVE (and want!) to have some fun and catch up with friends. Sure, keeping up a daily work, workout, or any other organized routine is healthy, but sometimes doing the same thing over and over again can become unfulfilling. Before you know it, time is just passing by…


That’s precisely what happened to me.


When I looked at the calendar and realized June was more than half way over, mild panic began to set in. My mind started getting WAY ahead of me and my internal dialogue sounded something like this…


“Oh my gosh. NO. That date CANNOT be right! It’s Father’s Day this weekend?? I need to go home. Wait, it’s almost the end of June! How did this happen? The Fourth of July is in a couple of weeks, that pretty much marks the peak of the summer. Then there’s the weekend away with the girls. I am still SO not ready for bathing suit season! And then I have the boyfriend’s birthday to plan and cookouts to attend. Plus, I need to make sure I’m getting down the Cape to visit my family. And what about my friends? I really need to see them more. Maybe I should plan a college reunion. How am I going to do this all!? Summer will be over before I know it!”


See how easily my mind went into TOTAL overdrive? As you can probably guess, as soon as my thoughts ran away with me, I immediately started to feel more anxious, stressed and depressed. Ironically, when you get too overwhelmed and think too far ahead rather than staying in the moment, it can actually be more difficult to get anything done at all. And who wants to be overwhelmed all the time? I for one really want to full-on enjoy my summer (after all, it’s my favorite time of the year!).


In fact…

I want to enjoy every day!


And whose to say you shouldn’t be able to enjoy every day? So, right then an there I decided to make myself a promise. I promised to practice mindfulness and “staying in the moment” at least once every day. I may not be ready to go full-out yogi quite yet (don’t worry…yoga is on my list of mindful activities to try this summer) but I am ready to make myself try something new or relaxing each week with hopes that it will connect me to the present and ultimately benefit my mind, body and soul. I urge you to try it too :)


My first mission?



Connecting with nature!


As I briefly mentioned above, my typical Saturday morning routine means getting up at 7:30, watching/reading the news, making breakfast, checking e-mails and blogging before I head off to a couple of my favorite fitness classes at Healthworks Fitness Center. Sometimes I even have enough time to whip up a batch of pancakes for the boyfriend before he gets up ;) .  Strangely enough, I actually enjoy getting up nice and early. I don’t get to sit and eat breakfast or watch the news during the week, so this “me time” is something I truly look forward to. The rest of the day is usually full of working out, cleaning up and running around taking care of errands. This weekend, however, my boyfriend had another idea…



Strawberry picking!



Back when I made my Oh So Sassy Strawberry Shortcake, I was doing some research on the heath benefits of strawberries and I discovered that June is prime strawberry-picking season. I made a comment about how I’d never been strawberry picking before, but I’d LOVE to go sometime. Well, the boyfriend remembered (I know…cue the collective ‘AWWWs!’) and after checking around the area, he discovered a farm roughly 35 minutes away from us was having their Annual Strawberry Festival this past Saturday. I knew I’d have to skip out on my favorite fitness classes and rearrange my typical Saturday schedule to go, but it was such a sweet idea and it sounded like so much fun that I couldn’t say no.


Plus, it sounded like the PERFECT way to relax and spend a beautiful Saturday!


Ultimately, we (okay…I) decided the grocery shopping could wait, and the laundry and dishes would just have to be done at a later date. Today…I was having FUN! We hopped in the car and took off to Connor’s Farm so we could spend the day together :) .



There’s just something SO fun about being outdoors and getting your hands dirty once in a while. It’s like being a kid again :) Plus…it’s just so fulfilling to actually be able to see where your food is coming from with your own two eyes and (please excuse the pun) to take home the fruits of your labor ;) .


Plus…they just taste so DARN GOOD!




This little strawberry picking experience got my wheels turning even more about WHERE our food comes from. Be sure to keep an eye out for my next post which touches upon this whole idea of farm-to table food and the safety of our food industry.


This weekend excursion was my first–of hopefully many–attempts to break away from routine every now and then, enjoy the world around me, and embrace each day for what it truly is…




Healthfully yours,

Ashley Michelle  



The Mayo Clinic: How to be Happy

Mindbody Relaxation

Stress Management



Fruity Tutti Fruit Bowl (with Cinnamon Chips!)


I have a VERY bad habit.

A fruity habit that is.

And I think I mayyy need some help…


You see, whenever I go into a grocery store, I just CAN’T control myself. As soon as those shiny, rainbow-colored displays of fruit greet me at the door I’m toast. No matter what I do, a simple shopping trip to pick up a few apples and bananas to last me through the week ends up turning into a full-out FRUIT-FEST.


Wait…does that make me a FRUIT-A-HOLIC??


Regardless, this weekend in particular was a bit out of control–even for me (It honestly would have made more sense to ask me what kind of fruit I didn’t have in the house than to ask me what kind I did have).  When I woke up this morning, I took one long look at my fruit bowl and knew I needed to do something about this fruit situation before everything spoiled. Either that, or I was going to have to open up my apartment to the public and become a farmer’s market for the day! But something tells me I don’t think my landlord would like that…


So, what’s a girl to do with all this fruit?

FRUIT SALAD, obviously!


As soon as the hot summer months come around, I rarely use the stove to cook meals. Instead, I choose to eat fresh, cool, and raw dishes as a way to beat the heat. One of my favorite summertime staples falling under these categories has always been fruit salad. I could honestly eat it for breakfast, as a snack, and even for dessert for the rest of my life and be perfectly satisfied. Not only is fruit salad healthy (Antioxidants! Fiber! Vitamin C!) but it’s easy to toss together and it’s a bright, pretty dish to bring along to summer parties or cookouts.

For this recipe, I decided to take a classic fruit salad and spice it up a bit. When it comes to fruit salad, I like to try to hit all the colors of the rainbow because, well, it’s pretty and girly :) but you certainly don’t have to. This recipe is 100% customizable, so don’t worry if you don’t have all the ingredients–you can totally go all improv and create your own masterpiece!


There’s only one thing left to do.



Start choppin’!


Fruity Tutti Fruit Bowl


  • 1 apple (fuji apples are my absolute favorite!)
  • 1 whole orange
  • 1 large banana
  • 1 pear (I like d’anjou, but any kind will do)
  • 1 peach
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1/2 cup grapes (sliced)
  • 1/2 cup blackberries
  • 3 teaspoons of all-natural, vegan, jam (I like Trader Joe’s reduced-sugar jams. They make it in blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, apricot. I couldn’t pick so I used half apricot and half strawberry for this recipe :) )
  • Plum Amazins (for sprinkling)–they are a great alternative to raisins, plus, they’re lower in calories!)
  • Sliced almonds (for sprinkling)
  • Cinnamon (for sprinkling)–cinnamon is a great addition to any diet because it helps control blood sugar spikes and is very high in antioxidants. It’s also anti-microbial, has anti-clotting features, boosts brain function, and promotes colon and heart health because it has fiber, manganese, and calcium in it.  I put it on EVERYTHING!)
  • Chop everything up and place the fruit in a large bowl (leave the kiwis, almonds, and plum bits aside for garnish).
  • Mix in the jam and cinnamon (I personally put a TON of cinnamon in this recipe, but I tend to like things over-spiced. Feel free to spice it up or down as much as you’d like).
  • Sprinkle almonds and plum bits on top. Arrange the kiwis around the bowl.

Don’t forget the Cinnamon Chips!



Cinnamon Chips:


  • 2 whole wheat tortillas
  • Cinnamon
  • Stevia or all-natural, organic sugar
  • All-natural cooking spray
  • Preheat the oven to 350º
  • Slice the tortillas into triangle shapes
  • Place the tortilla triangles on a baking sheet and lightly spray with all-natural cooking spray.
  • Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon and stevia (or sugar).
  • Bake for 11 minutes.
  • Once cooled, arrange around the fruit bowl for an adorable presentation!
  • Eat the chips on their own, or use the chips to scoop up some of the fruit for my take on a dessert salsa!

See, sometimes its okay to be fruity! ;)


Healthfully Yours,
Ashley Michelle



Cha Cha Chocolate-Hazelnut Chia Pudding


Ch-Ch-Ch- CHIA!


I bet you didn’t know that the same little seeds sprouting from your chia pet are actually MAGICAL seeds…


Don’t laugh.

It’s true! (Plus they make a heck of a dessert…did you see above?).

Chia seeds are chock full of amazing health benefits. And that’s exactly why they have been a SECRET SUPER-FOOD primarily known among the health and fitness savvy for years…


These little miracle seeds are finally becoming more mainstream now that health conscious people everywhere have discovered their fabulous health benefits…but what is it exactly that makes chia seeds so unique?


Well, I’ll tell you!

But first off, let’s start with a brief history lesson :) .


Photo Credit: www.christinacooks.com

Native to Guatemala and both the southern and central parts of Mexico, chia (Salvia Hispanica) is a flowering plant that belongs to the mint family. The chia plant is harvested for its highly nutritious, multi-colored, and speckled seeds. Evidence suggests that these seeds were used as far back at 3500 BC! Before the Spanish Conquest of Latin America began in 1519, chia seeds were a vital crop and food source for the Aztecs and Mayans because of their incredible stamina and energy-providing abilities. In fact, it is believed that Aztec and Mayan warriors and runners were able to sustain themselves on just a handful of these little seeds a day! It is quite fitting, then, that the name ‘chia’ is derived from the Mayan word for ‘strength’.

The Aztec and Mayan civilizations regularly consumed chia seeds either on their own, by grinding them into flour, drinking them mixed with water, or pressing them for their oil. Unfortunately, after the Spanish Conquest of Latin America, chia plants disappeared for about 500 years. This was because the Spanish settlers prevented the practice of any native traditions, including the farming of native crops. Instead, the Spanish used the natives’ land to harvest their own crops (namely barley and wheat). However, some chia plants did survive as a minor crop in Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua– and now, years later, THEY’RE BACK!


Health Benefits of Chia Seeds:

  • They deliver the maximum amount of nutrients with the least amount of calories.
  • Chia seeds have 2x the protein of any seed or grain.
  • They have 3x as much iron as spinach.
  • Chia seeds increase stamina and energy over long periods of time (they are becoming a favorite among marathon runners!)
  • They can aid in weight loss (chia seeds absorb up to 7x its weight, and expand to curb appetite/make you feel full).
  • They are rich in alpha-linolenic acid, also known as ALA.
  • Chia seeds can reduce overall cholesterol and increase good cholesterol (HDL)
  • They are heart-healthy in that they have one of the most concentrated sources of Omega-3 than in any other food (even salmon).
  • They also contain high amounts of Omega-6 (both Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids cannot be made internally and must be obtained through diet).
  • They contain the essential minerals such as sodiumphosphoruspotassium (2x as much as bananas), manganese, and calcium (5x more than in milk!).
  • They are FULL of antioxidants (3x as much as blueberries!).
  • Chia seeds have 11 grams of dietary fiber in one ounce (the soluble fiber improves digestion and helps to reduce glycemic spikes)
  • They do not need to be ground like flax seeds in order to reap their benefits.
  • Chia seeds have a long shelf life and do not spoil as quickly as other seeds (like flax-seed).
  • They soothe heartburn and calm the digestive system due to the gel-like substance they form when mixed with a liquid (this is especially helpful for people with IBS).
  • Chia can relieve itchy skin (in oil form)
  • They can help to balance blood sugar/prevent glucose spikes


But the BEST part of all? You can use chia seeds to make a DELICIOUS and HEALTHY DESSERT!


When chia seeds are soaked in water and sit for about 20 minutes, they form a jelly-like substance. The soaked chia is perfect to use as an egg-replacement (1 tablespoon chia seeds + 3 tablespoons water), as a drink (chia fresca), or (my personal favorite!) as a PUDDING! (You can also toss chia seeds on salads, in protein shakes, mixed into yogurt, or on their own. There aren’t any rules. Go crazy!).

While the texture may be hard to get used to at first, I promise you…the health benefits of chia seeds are worth it! This pudding recipe below is a guilt-free option for a healthy dessert or snack, and even better…it’s delicious!


Chocolate-Hazelnut Chia Pudding


  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (I use the unsweetened version of Vanilla Almond Breeze)
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds (I have seen chia seeds at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Shaw’s…but I bet you can get them at most grocery stores nowadays).
  • 1 tablespoon of all-natural cocoa powder (feel free to add more if you want it extra chocolate-y!)
  • 2 packets of stevia (or 2 teaspoons of another all-natural sweetener)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of all-natural hazelnut extract (You can find this at Whole Foods or online, but vanilla, almond or maple extract would also do–just reduce the almond extract by half…it’s quite strong!)


  • Pour the chia seeds in a bowl.
  • Mix the almond milk, cocoa powder, hazelnut extract, and stevia in a blender.
  • Pour the mixture over the chia seeds– stir for a few seconds–let it sit for at least 20 minutes (do not mix while the seeds are soaking).
  • After the 20 minutes are up the seeds should have absorbed all the liquid (if not, soak a little longer) and have a jelly-like texture. The pudding will get even thicker if you let it sit in the fridge for an hour or so.
  • Mix very well and serve cold.


If you want, feel free to fanci-fy your chia pudding like me! You can layer it with any fruit you’d like (strawberries anyone?) and Soyatoo vegan whipped cream to make a trifle-like dessert. Anyone on the Scottish side of my family know how much I LOVED trifle as a little girl :).


Hmm. That gives me an idea…

I just may need to create a vegan version of my favorite childhood dessert very soon…


Healthfully yours,

Ashley Michelle



What are chia seeds

Livestrong: The benefits of chia seeds

Livestrong: Medicinal healing properties of chia seeds

Powerful health benefits of chia seeds

Chia seed profile

The superfood that could change your body

The miraculous running food

Dr. Oz: Ancient super secret

Three cheers for chia!

Chia questions and answers