Taking the First Steps to a Healthier & Happier YOU!

Photo Credit: www.etsey.com



Plato was onto something.


Smart guy.


As mentioned in my earlier post about New Year’s Resolutions, when it comes to tackling your goals (whether it be a promotion, fitness regimen, healthy eating plan, or a home-decorating project) if you carefully (and willingly!) set the right framework from the very beginning, you are destined to achieve success. For example, how many times have you woken up and proclaimed “I’m going to eat healthy today!” only to crumble under the pressure of a fresh-baked cookie or those doughnuts at your morning meeting? Oh, and that extra glass (or two, or three?) of wine at happy hour? Yes. they count! (You drink. You crumble ;) ). If you make the decision to be healthy the moment you wake up (even before you get out of bed!)…you are that much more likely to stick to healthy choices all throughout the day.


Now you already know how I feel about being perfect–as in there’s NO such thing!–but if you’re looking to be the very best you can be in 2013 there are ways to set yourself up for success, boost your heath and immunity, help you make better decisions, and get yourself on that path to being fit and fabulous whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, or somewhere in between. Over the next few days I’ll be posting healthy lifestyle tips and tricks (and a few fun and healthy baking swaps!) that will gently keep your resolutions on track through for the rest of this month and into the month of February.


Tips and Tricks for Healthy Eating


1. Make a grocery list before you go shopping.

(Photo Credit: http://saveliveeatlove.com)
















We’ve all been there. After the gym you run to the grocery store because you’re already out of the house, only to realize that after an hour of spinning and ab exercises, you’re ravenous and searching for the cookie aisle! Suddenly there’s a bar of chocolate, a bag of chips, and a pint of rocky road in your cart and you have no recollection as to how they got there. (So much for the fresh fruit, raw almonds, and quinoa on your list!) Let’s avoid this little snag, shall we? Now, if you just take a few minutes to sit down, write a grocery list, and plan out your meals for the week– you’re actually forced to be conscious of your food choices (again, like a journal, it’s the whole visual thing). Once you’ve made your list—DON’T STRAY unless you absolutely have to (like if Whole Foods is having a sale on raw kale chips. Then, that’s perfectly justified ;) ).


2. Plan out/pack your meals ahead of time

(Photo Credit: www.ohsheglows.com)

I can’t stress enough how important this step is! Just like I mentioned above, planning out your meals ahead of time helps to keep you in check, but actually preparing your meals ahead of time is the real secret to success. I like to prepare the more difficult/time-consuming meals and wash/cut my produce on a Sunday night or immediately after I go grocery shopping so that I have healthy snacks and easy-to-put-together meals on hand at all times during the busy work week (my go-to’s are hearty soups, salads, veggie sticks, pineapple, cantaloupe, cucumber slices, quinoa,  brown rice, lemons, tofu etc…). Before work, I’ll slice up an apple for a healthy mid-day snack, make tea or hot lemon water in a travel mug (this also saves you Starbucks $$$!), and pack a handful of raw almonds for munching at my desk. The point is, if your fridge is full of good-for-you snacks and easy meal prep, you’ll feel more guilty picking an unhealthy option.

3. Load up on fruits, veggies, and other “clean” foods

(Photo Credit: http://www.tinyoranges.com)




Think of your body like a car. If you filled it up with dirty, sticky, cheap gasoline and oil…it wouldn’t  run very well would it? In fact, if you neglect you car and don’t fill it up with the things it needs, the car will keep breaking down, cost more in repairs, and eventually die. Your body is just like a car or machine. When you fuel it with powerful, clean, fuel (like fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein) as opposed to packaged, processed, refined, cheap, fat and sugar filled junk…you can expect your body to function a heck of a lot better (think more energy, less time spent at the doctor’s office, less weight, better skin/hair/nails, sharper mind and a happier disposition all around). When was the last time you ate an apple and thought “Man…I really wish I didn’t eat that apple. Now I feel so awful and tired!” Oh, you’ve never said that? My point exactly ;)


4. Eat “power foods”

(Photo Credit: www.pinterest.com)




There’s been a lot of hype about “super foods” in the heath industry over the past few years. While some of the hype out there is true (super foods with antioxidants are great for fighting cancer!), the crazy weight loss claims of other super foods should have you second-guessing their promises (raspberry ketone craze anyone?). That’s why I prefer to call my version of healthy super foods “power foods,” because that’s exactly what they do because they have the richest amount of nutrients and phytochemicals, the least amount of calories, and the most health benefits. Check out my list of power foods below that will get you geared up and ready to go no matter what time of the day:


Power Foods

  • Acai Berries
  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Avocados
  • Beans
  • Bell Peppers
  • Blueberries
  • Bok Choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brown Rice (in moderation)
  • Carrots
  • Chia Seeds
  • Coconut oil**
  • Dark Chocolate! (in moderation!)
  • Leeks
  • Pomegranates
  • Red Wine(ONE glass a day)
  • Seeds
  • Seaweed
  • Spirulina
  • Sweet potato
  • Tofu
  • Tomato
  • Turmeric
  • Quinoa (in moderation)
  • Dark, leafy greens
  • Edamame
  • Flaxseed/Oil
  • Garlic
  • Goji Berries
  • Mushrooms
  • Nuts
  • Olive Oil
  • Onions
  • Shallots

** Coconut oil is criticized for being high in saturated fat, however, not all saturated fat is created equal. It’s not hydrogenated (like most sat. fats), is made up of MCFAs which are broken down & easily digested/metabolized by the liver for immediate energy. It’s also stable enough to withstand the heat of cooking (other oils oxidize), and is believed to boost metabolism (the body can readily use this fat for energy rather than storage).


5. Limit/avoid purchasing & eating  processed foods

(Photo Credit: http://www.3news.co.nz)




Do you feel like being productive or going out for a run after you gorge on fast-food, a slice of pizza, or a package of cookies? Probably not. You’d probably like nothing more than to fall asleep on your couch in the fetal position while watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians reruns. So what happens when you eat all that junk at work? Do you find yourself dozing off in your afternoon meeting? Like I said above, you body runs best on good-quality, clean, natural foods. And that means you brain does too! So skip that processed junk food at the office– you’ll be more way more productive with your days if you can think clearly.


6. Read nutrition labels!

(Photo Credit: http://www.nutritionaloutlook.com)


This little detail is SO vital, yet many people don’t do it! In fact, a recent study done by the Journal of American Dietetic Association showed that only 9% of people check nutrition labels, and only 1%  check the labels for all of their components.  So many products out there claim to be healthy on the outside…but turn over the package, read the label and you’ll realize even some of those healthy buzzwords on the  like  ”natural,” “vegan,” “gluten-free,” and “organic” can still be fooling you. You want to watch out for sodium content (daily recommended value is less than one teaspoon a day), sugar content (less than 10% of your daily calories–or none–unless from natural sources like fruit), fat content (watch out for that saturated fat–keep it to at most 7% of your total daily calories– and check those ingredients for  heart-healthy fats like omega-3s), and carbohydrate content (look for dietary fiber–shoot for 20 grams of fiber per day for women and 30 grams for men– and keep all carbs whole grain!). Check out step by step instructions on decoding nutrition labels here.


7. Watch out for sneaky sugar!

(Photo Credit: http://www.tastisugar.com)




This goes right along with the above recommendation to check those nutrition labels– but because it’s so important I wanted to address it on its own. Sugar is everywhere…and if you’re not careful it can crop up in some unexpected places (condiments, granola bars, cereal, bread,  juices etc…). And just because the sugar is natural or organic (like maple syrup, honey, molasses) sugar calories are sugar calories no matter how you swing it. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 tablespoons–or 30 grams– of sugar per day for women, but I’d  actually aim for even lower.  In my last post I explain in greater detail why sugar is addictive .


8. Purchase a BPA-free water bottle

(Photo Credit: http://www.wired.com)


DRINK WATER!!! Aside from the fact that your body needs water to efficiently burn fat,  flush out toxins, keep your digestive system regular, and keep your muscles primed for exercise– water is vital to your healthy eating efforts. Did you know that more times than not, when you think your hungry…you’re actually thirsty? So before you go grabbing for that jar of almond butter…grab a glass of water instead! If 15-20 minutes go by and you’re still hungry, go for a healthy snack with some protein and whole grains to fill you up.  Don’t love plain water? Toss a few slices of cucumber, lemons, oranges, or limes into your water bottle for a natural flavor boost!


9.) Know your “cheat” foods

(Photo Credit: http://sumarowjee.blogspot.com)

















Okay, so it’s totally fine to have a treat every now and then IF that’s what it truly is—just every now and then. Dessert and treats are perfectly acceptable (I like it just as much as the next girl!) just as long as you know when to put the lid on your that tub of ice cream and save the rest for later. And (while I hate to put complete restrictions on any food) if you just can’t handle having something in the house without devouring the whole thing in one sitting, then maybe it’s time to limit the amount of times you purchase that particular food. For the beginning stages of your healthy-eating-habits-overhaul it may be a helpful choice. After a while, you can gradually introduce the item back into your diet. Another option? Purchase individual serving sizes of your “cheat” foods, or portion out your own snack packs of granola, trail mix or whatever you’d like. The individually packed treats tend to be a bit more expensive than the real deal, but if that’s what keep you from eating more than one serving, it’s well worth it.


And there you have it! You’re now on your way to being a healthier and happier you! :)


Please remember…no one  can (nor should they try to) overhaul their entire lifestyle in a day. It takes patience, energy, and time to form new habits. Sadly, there’ no magic number of days it takes to form a habit–the 21 day myth isn’t 100% accurate– but it certainly gets easier doing any new routine if you stick with it for a couple of weeks). Just trust me, and more importantly…TRUST YOU! And whatever you do, don’t forget…


(Photo Credit: www.pinterest.com)

































 Healthfully Yours,


Ashley Michelle




Let’s Chat!


When the going gets tough, and you’re ready to give up or give in (whether it be on healthy eating, an exercise regimen, a project, schoolwork etc…) what helps to keeps you motivated?



Vivere la Vita Italiana!



Buongiorno Prettyfitlifers!



Thank you everyone for allowing me to take a brief blogging hiatus while on vacation in bella Italia. Please, don’t hate me! I promise you I have lots of pictures and Italy-inspired recipes to make up for it ;)

Now, I have to admit, I wasn’t originally planning on devoting an entire post to something trip-related. The last thing I’d ever want to do is bore you with stories about myself. However, after hearing all kinds of crazy concerns and responses from people who questioned me about being a VEGAN in (gasp!) Italy…I decided I had to at least touch on the subject.


Plus… this amazing country  is just too beautiful to keep to myself :)


The vacation planning started last year after I won a European trip for two from work (Best First Year Employee…woop woop!). I’m not much of a world traveler, nor have I gone on many vacations in my lifetime (Grandma’s house was always the name of the game people) so the opportunity to go on this trip was seriously a dream come true in more ways than one. I was EXSTATIC.


But where oh where to go…?


Almost instantly I knew the decision had to come down to Italy or Greece. I’ve always wanted to visit both because they are full of SO much interesting history (Greek mythology and the Roman Empire?! Now these were the subjects that actually kept me awake in history class).


So, how did I make up my mind? Well, the conversation in my head went a little something like this…


“Hummus or wine? Hummus or wine? Hmmm…WINE!”

And that was that :) .


Clearly–after some veryyy difficult back and forth–I settled on Italy. And honestly, how could I ever go wrong with a country full of so much culture and beauty…and FOOD!


Oh. Right. Food.


I hadn’t  even thought about the whole food thing until other people started questioning how I’d manage a vegan diet abroad.

I couldn’t believe some of the comments that were immediately thrown my way when I’d excitedly reveal my vacation plans. Things like “But what are you going to eat?” “You aren’t going to be able to eat anything!”  ”Oh…you CAN’T be vegan in Florence! Don’t tell anyone..they’ll think you’re crazy!” “You know, it’s okay to splurge…you CAN have a little cheese and meat and it won’t kill you.”

But my personal favorite was this little zinger (and ironically, I don’t think this person honestly meant for it to be taken as a caustic comment)…. “I almost feel bad for you, and your Mom. You won’t be able to enjoy anything. No cannolies, croissants, cheese…NOTHING….None of the things that make people want to go to Italy.”



Hold up.

Feel bad for me?


Why? Because I’m going to one of the most amazing countries in the world?


Now, I’ve gotten used to just smiling and shrugging off most of the negative vegan comments that pop up on a regular basis–sometimes it’s really just not worth getting into an argument over (shout out to my fellow vegans and vegetarians! You know how it goes :) ). But this one remark hit me a little harder than most– not because that person hurt my feelings (believe me, they didn’t), but because they were so blatantly blind to the fact that their reality and their opinions might not be the same as someone else’s, and that’s okay. But what was even more hurtful, was the notion that somehow my choices were going to be a burden on my mom and take away from her experience.  Mark my words: the LAST thing a vegan/vegetarian wants to be is a BURDEN on others. In fact, I long for the day when someone won’t question my choices or pass judgement and act as though I am being difficult/high-maintenance/judging THEM (and I’m sure many other people can echo this sentiment). So that comment really hit me close to my heart because, well, I often do worry that my lifestyle will be a downer for those around me. But is that a fair thought? No. Not at all. Everyone is entitled to be different. As for me, well, I happen to follow a plant-based diet.

Perhaps the best thing about Italy for that person may have been the buttery pastries and cream filled desserts, but for me, the history, the architecture, the art, the way of life, the girl time I got to spend with my Mom…these were the things that drew me to this lovely country. Neither of us are right or wrong here. And hopefully you don’t need me to eat a croissant to have some fun :)

So. Please, please, PLEASE…don’t ever feel bad for me, or anyone else who may not be exactly the same as you. My lifestyle isn’t a punishment. I’m happy, healthy, and I’m following this path in life because it helps me to be both of these things.

And you know what actually happened when I went to Florence and Rome? I had an incredible time in two remarkable Italian cities with my best friend–my Mom. And guess what? I had absolutely NO problem following a vegan diet in Italy. In fact…in many ways it was much easier than going out for dinner right around here in the U.S.! As a matter of fact, there was a vegan restaurant right across the street from my hotel in Florence, and I found soy gelato in Rome. Pretty cool, huh? So, to answer the skeptics’ questions. No, not once did the fact that I was vegan get in the way of my fun or… my Mom’s. Everything turned out perfectly, to my pleasant surprise.


Oh…and most importantly, remember people…




(And that’s all that really matters, right?!)


One of the great things about my trip was that I was able to take a break from taking solely food photos (okay, I did take a few food photos while I was there…) and focus more on landscape, people, and scenery. Over the course of my eight day trip, I managed to take over 800 photos (I know. CRAZY).  So, naturally, I thought I’d share some of my favorites with all of you! Don’t worry, my next post will be all about the  yummy, vegan-friendly food I discovered on my trip– including a recipe for  a classic Tuscan dish that had me hooked all week long.




The Duomo (Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore) is easily the most magnificent sight to see in Florence...and my personal favorite! It served as the main church of Florence upon its completion in 1436. The interesting colors come from the pink, green, and white polychrome and marble panels covering the facade of the building. If you can handle the twisting, turning, dark climb to the top...you will be greeted with the most beautiful views of Florence and surrounding Tuscany.



A view from the top of the Duomo


Climbing up the Duomo! It's a looooong way up....463 steps up, and 463 steps down...



A view from Giotto’s Campanile, free-standing tower that's part of the complex of buildings that make up the Florence Cathedral on the Piazza del Duomo in Florence. I ran the 414 steps up and 414 steps down right before it closed so I could get a shot of the sun setting over Florence. Who needs the gym when you've got a tower?? :)



A street full of vendors in Florence. You can haggle for the best prices ;)




A street view of Florence after a quick sun shower.



Dolce Vegan! An adorable little vegan restaurant steps away from my Florence Hotel :) Perfect, no?



A view of the River Arno by the Ponte Vecchio--a Medieval stone closed-spandrel segmental arch bridge known for its many gold-specialized jewelry shops




Mom loves taking pictures :) here I am on the Ponte Vecchio getting ready to do some jewelry shopping (ahem...browsing)!



Found this adorable lock at the top of the Duomo, but I've found locks like this all over Italy! Legend says if you and your loved one leave a lock on a gate in Florence and throw away the key, your love will be eternal <3



Locks at the Ponte Vecchio.





The beautiful Chianti countryside.



My adorable Mom :)



Vin Santo dessert wine at the tasting in Chianti (SO delicious! I bought a bottle and brought it back home to the U.S.!)



Wine bottles in the wine cellar at the Castello del Trebbio (Trebbio Castle) which was once home to the Pazzi family, rivals of the Medici family. When the husband and wife who owned the winery both passed away in 1990, their daughter decided not to sell any of the wine made that year as a tribute to her parents. The wine still remains untouched in the cellar at the castle today.





Another picture of the Colosseum :)



The sun shining over the Pantheon



An incredible view of the Ancient Roman Ruins



A pretty view of the ruins from ground level. I love the colors in this picture--the green grass and the bright blue sky. Perfect day!



Roman Graffiti--so cool! I kept finding the same style images all over Florence and Rome



This one is my favorite! Roma IS for lovers <3



After a long day of walking in Rome, it's mandatory to recharge with a sip of espresso at a sidewalk cafe :)



Fruit stands in Italy are everywhere! All the produce is so fresh and has so much flavor. This stand was near the Ancient Ruins in Rome.



The Spanish Steps are found between the busy Piazza di Spagna (at the bottom) and the Piazza Trinità dei Monti (at the top). The movie Roman Holiday (with Audrey Hepburn) made these steps famous in America.



Look who I found at the ancient ruins...Caesar!



Night shot of the Piazza Navona--full of venders selling lovely paintings.



Enjoying the fountain at the Piazza Navona!



The Trevi Fountain is one of the most popular attractions in Rome. Legend says that if you toss a coin in the fountain over your shoulder, you are destined to return to Rome (needless to say, I tossed MANY coins in that baby!).



Our tour guide in the Vatican museums pointed this out-- Michelangelo's initials! He carved them into the very stone he would sit on while working on his sculptures at the Vatican.



This is the incredible altar at St. Peter's Basilica. The 98-foot tall structure is called a baldacchino, and it stands beneath the dome and above the altar. The ornate piece of art was designed by Gianlorenzo Bernini and is made out of bronze.



This well-known sculpture, Pietà, sits in St. Peter's Basilica and was created by Michelangelo between 1498 and 1500. It is considered to be one of the greatest works of sculpture ever created during the Italian High Renaissance.



A beautiful dusk shot of the Vatican. That's my Mom in the front taking pictures (of course!). This was taken seconds before the skies opened up and a crazy, yet quick, thunderstorm rolled in! Yes...we got caught in the rain. Thankfully as soon as a drop falls from the sky, vendors hit the streets selling umbrellas for 2 euros a piece!




Fabulously Yours,


Ashley Michelle