Vegan Recipes


“When we learn to eat properly, we begin to rebuild our bodies and fulfill our purpose on this planet: to grow in health, creativity, wisdom and compassion.”

– Dr. Ann Wigmore; Living Foods Lifestyle Textbook


I am passionate about creating healthy meals and treats that not only taste fabulous, but nourish the body inside and out.  My recipes are composed of whole foods that have a variety of health benefits. I will take the time to outline many of these nutritional benefits in each post. I also understand that everyone’s nutritional needs vary significantly. Some people may not be tracking calories at all while others may just be looking for a guilt-free wholesome meal or snack. So, in order to accommodate as many people as I can, I have included  low-fat, low-sugar, low-calorie options in addition to non-diet recipes. Please be sure to note the various nutritional tweaks and tips offered in my posts to further tailor a recipe to your needs. I hope you find something you enjoy!


Healthy Recipe Index:

Best Ever Breakfasts:

SO Delicious Dips & Spreads:

Sinless Snack Attacks:

Super Smoothies:

Mouth-Watering Main Courses:

Skinny-Mini Desserts & Delights:


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2 comments on “Vegan Recipes

  1. Ashley, being the chocoholic that I am… I cannot wait to try your “Healthy Chocolate Bars”! Where might I find coconut oil? Do they carry it in a regular supermarket?

    • Hi! You can find coconut oil in most supermarkets these days. I have purchased it at Shaw’s (in the natural foods section), but I prefer to buy it at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods because it is cheaper. Let me know if you have any other questions :)

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