Fit for Life: Clean & Lean

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“Fit is not a destination…


 it’s a way of life.”



I absolutely, positively love this quote.


It perfectly encompasses my philosophy on health and fitness. Health is not something I, nor you, should take lightly, and it’s certainly not something you can put a timeline on. That’s because when you commit to making a change and beginning a journey to a fitter, healthier, happier you…there is no finish line. Your health isn’t a race with a final destination–it’s a movement. It’s an awakening.  And the changes that bring you the most success are the ones that become so natural, so intrinsic and habitual, that they become a part of your very being.


Don’t get me wrong… getting to that point in your health is hard. Just like breaking a bad habit takes time, forming a new one takes practice and time–especially when you are working to change something that you’ve been used to doing every day. But that’s why you need to start small. Choose a side salad over a side of mashed potatoes. Cucumber slices and hummus over french fries or chips. A cup of chia pudding or fruit salad over a sundae or candy. A bowl of oatmeal or a smoothie over a doughnut (or even worse) no breakfast at all.


But whatever you do, please remember. Don’t beat yourself up. After all, (and I’ll say it again and again until you believe it) no one is perfect! You did read my last two posts, right ;) ? Now that doesn’t mean you get a free pass or shouldn’t push yourself too hard, however. After all, part of change means being comfortable with being uncomfortable, pushing your body to the limit, sometime saying “no,” sometimes saying “yes,”  feeling the pain, and acknowledging, yeah…change is tough! But I want it.


 Isn’t the fact that’s it’s tough exactly what makes change so darn rewarding?


I guarantee once you begin to make healthy lifestyle changes and you see how happy and amazing you look and feel on the inside and out…that’s the only proof you’ll need. You’ll forget all about the race to the finish and instead, you’ll never want the journey to end :) .






















Now, I know that these past few days I’ve talked a lot about detoxing your body, eating clean, powerful foods, committing to make healthy lifestyle changes, and holding yourself accountable for those changes. I can only hope that you’ve found my posts insightful and motivating and most importantly, I hope you feel you are ready to tackle your health head on! I obviously think doing a detox is a great way to kickstart your committment to change, (namely because it forces you to battle those ever-addicting and hard-to-beat food cravings all at once for a short period of time), but I do acknowledge that not everyone can afford to, nor do they want to, spend the money on an expensive detox program. If you’re one of these people and you’ve been thinking about doing a detox, or if you’re just finishing up a cleanse/detox and you’re looking to continue eating clean–I’m here to tell you there are other options.Thankfully by choosing organic, clean, detox-worthy foods, you can gently clean up and “detox” your body day-to-day without purchasing a hardcore cleanse.  But before I get into the food, let’s start off with a list of reasons about why it’s so beneficial to detox in the first place…


Photo Credit: Fashion Salade




Benefits of a Detoxing:

  1. Gain more energy!
  2. Improve digestion/give it a rest
  3. Lose stubborn bloat
  4. Return body to an alkaline state (read more about the health benefits of a low-acid/high alkaline diet here and here or in the Beauty Detox Solution–one of my favorite books!)
  5. Improve immune function
  6. Generate new cells
  7. Kick that sweet tooth (I have a secret…when you start eating healthy foods, you won’t crave sugary, processed junk anymore! Pinky swear.)
  8. Develop a taste for fresh, healthy foods (that’s what happen when you cut out sugar!)
  9. Fight cancer cells
  10. Get clearer skin, brighter eyes,  & healthier hair
  11. Improve function of your body’s organs (namely your liver, which works  to metabolize fat and proteins, filter the blood, remove toxins, regulate glucose levels, and store vitamins, iron and glycogen)
  12. Purify your blood
  13. Increase mental clarity
  14. Reduce inflammation
  15. Feel  light, glowing, & amazing!
  16. Fall in LOVE with your body! (Because you feel and look so darn great :) )


The following foods perfect detox-worthy choices. They are full of vitamins and antioxidants, rid the body of toxins, cleanse the colon/liver, boost digestion, are great sources of fiber, act as diuretics, reduce inflammation and boost your metabolism.


While this list is not 100% exclusive, these are some of the top detox-foods (and are some of my personal favorites!). Feel free to do some extra research on your own if you’re looking to extend this list.


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Foods to Choose:

  1. Acai berries
  2. Apples
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar
  4. Artichokes
  5. Asparagus
  6. Basil
  7. Beets
  8. Blueberries
  9. Broccoli
  10. Brown Rice (in moderation)
  11. Brussel Sprouts
  12. Cabbage
  13. Carrots
  14. Cayenne Pepper
  15. Chia Seeds
  16. Cilantro
  17. Cinnamon
  18. Collard Greens
  19. Cucumbers
  20. Dandelion Greens
  21. Fennel
  22. Garlic
  23. Ginger
  24. Grapefruits
  25. Kale
  26. Legumes
  27. Lemon/Warm Lemon Water
  28. Lemongrass
  29. Nuts
  30. Papaya
  31. Onion
  32. Oranges
  33. Parsley
  34. Pineapple
  35. Probiotics*
  36. Seeds
  37. Sprouts
  38. Strawberries
  39. Sunchokes
  40. Tea (caffeine free!)
  41. Quinoa (in moderation)
  42. Vegan Protein Powder**
  43. WATER!!!
  44. Watercress
  45. Wheatgrass


*Technically not a food…but GREAT for your gut!

**Look for an organic, natural, rice, hemp, chia, pea, & seed blend (my favorites are Garden of Life- RAW Protein and VEGA Protein

(Read more about detox foods here)



The following foods should be avoided/limited if you are looking to kindly detox your body.


Photo Credit: Envision/Corbis




Foods to Limit:

  1. Alcohol*
  2. Artificial Sweeteners
  3. Bananas*
  4. Caffeine (coffee &tea)
  5. Carbonated Beverages (bloat)*
  6. Corn**
  7. Dairy Products (if not vegan)*
  8. Dried Fruits
  9. Edamame
  10. Eggs (if not vegan)
  11. Gluten (wheat, barley, rye)*
  12. Fast Foods
  13. Fried Foods (unhealthy fats and oils)
  14. Non-organic fruits/veggies/protein***
  15. Processed Foods (anything flavored or chemical based)
  16. Juices (if not fresh squeezed/juiced)
  17. Processed Soy Products
  18. Carbonated Beverages (bloat)*
  19. Salt
  20. Sugars (especially those including high fructose corn syrup)
  21. Tobacco (duh!)
  22. Balsamic Vinegar*
  23. White Rice


* These should be eliminated if doing a strict detox, otherwise they can be enjoyed in limited quantities.

**Corn and Edamame have risk of being GMOs. Corn is hard to digest and is also high in sugar (like bananas). If eating edamame, be sure it is organic.

*** See next list for more details about organic vs. non-organic foods



It’s important to choose certified organic foods during a detox because the whole point is to rid your body of toxins and chemicals. Unlike organic produce, non-organic foods are often grown using pesticides and other chemicals that could be harmful to our health and increase toxins in our bodies.


Even worse? Non-organic foods run the risk of being genetically modified. You can read all about GMOs and organic vs. non-organic foods in my earlier post. The following list of fruits and veggies, which are known as the “Dirty Dozen,” should be purchased organic as much as possible due to the risk of high pesticide levels:
















The “Dirty Dozen:”

  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Strawberries
  4. Peaches
  5. Spinach
  6. Nectarines (imported)
  7. Grapes (imported)
  8. Sweet Bell Peppers
  9. Potatoes
  10. Cucumbers
  11. Blueberries
  12. Lettuce
  13. (Plus: Green Beans, Kale/Collard Greens)*
*These items have recently shown an increase in pesticide levels as compared to earlier years. While not officially in the dirty dozen, it’s worth keeping an eye out and buying organic when you can.


While buying organic is always a safer choice, we all know it’s not always financially possible! The following fruits & veggies are deemed the “Clean Fifteen” due to their low pesticide residues. I still am an advocate for all things organic, but if you can’t buy the organic versions of these guys all the time…it’s okay :) . Read more about the “Clean 15″ and “Dirty Dozen” here.

Photo Credit: Health Magazin



















The “Clean Fifteen:”

  1. Onions
  2. Sweet Corn*
  3. Pineapple
  4. Avocado
  5. Cabbage
  6. Sweet Peas
  7. Asparagus
  8. Mangoes
  9. Eggplant
  10. Kiwi
  11. Cantaloupe (domestic)
  12. Sweet Potatoes
  13. Grapefruit
  14. Watermelon
  15. Mushrooms

* GMO sweet corn does not need to be identified as such in stores. If you are concerned about GMOs…go organic!


I find it super helpful to print these lists out and stick them on my fridge or in my wallet, that way I’m constantly reminded about what foods I should be incorporating into my diet and what foods I should be limiting. Now you don’t have to go buying every single food on the “Foods to Choose” list tomorrow, however, if you make a concerted effort to add two or three of these foods into your diet and remove one or two of the unfriendly detox foods from your diet this week, you are well on your way to a healthier you! As you begin to feel more confident about changing your habits, you can feel free to incorporate more of the fresh, heathy, detox foods into your meal routines and eliminate the detox-sabatoging foods. It may be difficult not to cheat at first, but I promise–once you give your body a break from unhealthy foods, your cravings will diminish. All you need to do is commit to healthy change. After all, the power is in YOU! :)




Healthfully Yours,


Ashley Michelle






Taking the First Steps to a Healthier & Happier YOU!

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Plato was onto something.


Smart guy.


As mentioned in my earlier post about New Year’s Resolutions, when it comes to tackling your goals (whether it be a promotion, fitness regimen, healthy eating plan, or a home-decorating project) if you carefully (and willingly!) set the right framework from the very beginning, you are destined to achieve success. For example, how many times have you woken up and proclaimed “I’m going to eat healthy today!” only to crumble under the pressure of a fresh-baked cookie or those doughnuts at your morning meeting? Oh, and that extra glass (or two, or three?) of wine at happy hour? Yes. they count! (You drink. You crumble ;) ). If you make the decision to be healthy the moment you wake up (even before you get out of bed!)…you are that much more likely to stick to healthy choices all throughout the day.


Now you already know how I feel about being perfect–as in there’s NO such thing!–but if you’re looking to be the very best you can be in 2013 there are ways to set yourself up for success, boost your heath and immunity, help you make better decisions, and get yourself on that path to being fit and fabulous whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, or somewhere in between. Over the next few days I’ll be posting healthy lifestyle tips and tricks (and a few fun and healthy baking swaps!) that will gently keep your resolutions on track through for the rest of this month and into the month of February.


Tips and Tricks for Healthy Eating


1. Make a grocery list before you go shopping.

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We’ve all been there. After the gym you run to the grocery store because you’re already out of the house, only to realize that after an hour of spinning and ab exercises, you’re ravenous and searching for the cookie aisle! Suddenly there’s a bar of chocolate, a bag of chips, and a pint of rocky road in your cart and you have no recollection as to how they got there. (So much for the fresh fruit, raw almonds, and quinoa on your list!) Let’s avoid this little snag, shall we? Now, if you just take a few minutes to sit down, write a grocery list, and plan out your meals for the week– you’re actually forced to be conscious of your food choices (again, like a journal, it’s the whole visual thing). Once you’ve made your list—DON’T STRAY unless you absolutely have to (like if Whole Foods is having a sale on raw kale chips. Then, that’s perfectly justified ;) ).


2. Plan out/pack your meals ahead of time

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I can’t stress enough how important this step is! Just like I mentioned above, planning out your meals ahead of time helps to keep you in check, but actually preparing your meals ahead of time is the real secret to success. I like to prepare the more difficult/time-consuming meals and wash/cut my produce on a Sunday night or immediately after I go grocery shopping so that I have healthy snacks and easy-to-put-together meals on hand at all times during the busy work week (my go-to’s are hearty soups, salads, veggie sticks, pineapple, cantaloupe, cucumber slices, quinoa,  brown rice, lemons, tofu etc…). Before work, I’ll slice up an apple for a healthy mid-day snack, make tea or hot lemon water in a travel mug (this also saves you Starbucks $$$!), and pack a handful of raw almonds for munching at my desk. The point is, if your fridge is full of good-for-you snacks and easy meal prep, you’ll feel more guilty picking an unhealthy option.

3. Load up on fruits, veggies, and other “clean” foods

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Think of your body like a car. If you filled it up with dirty, sticky, cheap gasoline and oil…it wouldn’t  run very well would it? In fact, if you neglect you car and don’t fill it up with the things it needs, the car will keep breaking down, cost more in repairs, and eventually die. Your body is just like a car or machine. When you fuel it with powerful, clean, fuel (like fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein) as opposed to packaged, processed, refined, cheap, fat and sugar filled junk…you can expect your body to function a heck of a lot better (think more energy, less time spent at the doctor’s office, less weight, better skin/hair/nails, sharper mind and a happier disposition all around). When was the last time you ate an apple and thought “Man…I really wish I didn’t eat that apple. Now I feel so awful and tired!” Oh, you’ve never said that? My point exactly ;)


4. Eat “power foods”

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There’s been a lot of hype about “super foods” in the heath industry over the past few years. While some of the hype out there is true (super foods with antioxidants are great for fighting cancer!), the crazy weight loss claims of other super foods should have you second-guessing their promises (raspberry ketone craze anyone?). That’s why I prefer to call my version of healthy super foods “power foods,” because that’s exactly what they do because they have the richest amount of nutrients and phytochemicals, the least amount of calories, and the most health benefits. Check out my list of power foods below that will get you geared up and ready to go no matter what time of the day:


Power Foods

  • Acai Berries
  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Avocados
  • Beans
  • Bell Peppers
  • Blueberries
  • Bok Choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brown Rice (in moderation)
  • Carrots
  • Chia Seeds
  • Coconut oil**
  • Dark Chocolate! (in moderation!)
  • Leeks
  • Pomegranates
  • Red Wine(ONE glass a day)
  • Seeds
  • Seaweed
  • Spirulina
  • Sweet potato
  • Tofu
  • Tomato
  • Turmeric
  • Quinoa (in moderation)
  • Dark, leafy greens
  • Edamame
  • Flaxseed/Oil
  • Garlic
  • Goji Berries
  • Mushrooms
  • Nuts
  • Olive Oil
  • Onions
  • Shallots

** Coconut oil is criticized for being high in saturated fat, however, not all saturated fat is created equal. It’s not hydrogenated (like most sat. fats), is made up of MCFAs which are broken down & easily digested/metabolized by the liver for immediate energy. It’s also stable enough to withstand the heat of cooking (other oils oxidize), and is believed to boost metabolism (the body can readily use this fat for energy rather than storage).


5. Limit/avoid purchasing & eating  processed foods

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Do you feel like being productive or going out for a run after you gorge on fast-food, a slice of pizza, or a package of cookies? Probably not. You’d probably like nothing more than to fall asleep on your couch in the fetal position while watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians reruns. So what happens when you eat all that junk at work? Do you find yourself dozing off in your afternoon meeting? Like I said above, you body runs best on good-quality, clean, natural foods. And that means you brain does too! So skip that processed junk food at the office– you’ll be more way more productive with your days if you can think clearly.


6. Read nutrition labels!

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This little detail is SO vital, yet many people don’t do it! In fact, a recent study done by the Journal of American Dietetic Association showed that only 9% of people check nutrition labels, and only 1%  check the labels for all of their components.  So many products out there claim to be healthy on the outside…but turn over the package, read the label and you’ll realize even some of those healthy buzzwords on the  like  ”natural,” “vegan,” “gluten-free,” and “organic” can still be fooling you. You want to watch out for sodium content (daily recommended value is less than one teaspoon a day), sugar content (less than 10% of your daily calories–or none–unless from natural sources like fruit), fat content (watch out for that saturated fat–keep it to at most 7% of your total daily calories– and check those ingredients for  heart-healthy fats like omega-3s), and carbohydrate content (look for dietary fiber–shoot for 20 grams of fiber per day for women and 30 grams for men– and keep all carbs whole grain!). Check out step by step instructions on decoding nutrition labels here.


7. Watch out for sneaky sugar!

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This goes right along with the above recommendation to check those nutrition labels– but because it’s so important I wanted to address it on its own. Sugar is everywhere…and if you’re not careful it can crop up in some unexpected places (condiments, granola bars, cereal, bread,  juices etc…). And just because the sugar is natural or organic (like maple syrup, honey, molasses) sugar calories are sugar calories no matter how you swing it. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 tablespoons–or 30 grams– of sugar per day for women, but I’d  actually aim for even lower.  In my last post I explain in greater detail why sugar is addictive .


8. Purchase a BPA-free water bottle

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DRINK WATER!!! Aside from the fact that your body needs water to efficiently burn fat,  flush out toxins, keep your digestive system regular, and keep your muscles primed for exercise– water is vital to your healthy eating efforts. Did you know that more times than not, when you think your hungry…you’re actually thirsty? So before you go grabbing for that jar of almond butter…grab a glass of water instead! If 15-20 minutes go by and you’re still hungry, go for a healthy snack with some protein and whole grains to fill you up.  Don’t love plain water? Toss a few slices of cucumber, lemons, oranges, or limes into your water bottle for a natural flavor boost!


9.) Know your “cheat” foods

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Okay, so it’s totally fine to have a treat every now and then IF that’s what it truly is—just every now and then. Dessert and treats are perfectly acceptable (I like it just as much as the next girl!) just as long as you know when to put the lid on your that tub of ice cream and save the rest for later. And (while I hate to put complete restrictions on any food) if you just can’t handle having something in the house without devouring the whole thing in one sitting, then maybe it’s time to limit the amount of times you purchase that particular food. For the beginning stages of your healthy-eating-habits-overhaul it may be a helpful choice. After a while, you can gradually introduce the item back into your diet. Another option? Purchase individual serving sizes of your “cheat” foods, or portion out your own snack packs of granola, trail mix or whatever you’d like. The individually packed treats tend to be a bit more expensive than the real deal, but if that’s what keep you from eating more than one serving, it’s well worth it.


And there you have it! You’re now on your way to being a healthier and happier you! :)


Please remember…no one  can (nor should they try to) overhaul their entire lifestyle in a day. It takes patience, energy, and time to form new habits. Sadly, there’ no magic number of days it takes to form a habit–the 21 day myth isn’t 100% accurate– but it certainly gets easier doing any new routine if you stick with it for a couple of weeks). Just trust me, and more importantly…TRUST YOU! And whatever you do, don’t forget…


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 Healthfully Yours,


Ashley Michelle




Let’s Chat!


When the going gets tough, and you’re ready to give up or give in (whether it be on healthy eating, an exercise regimen, a project, schoolwork etc…) what helps to keeps you motivated?



New Year’s Resolutions & a Cleanse Review: Aster Elliott Detox Programs



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Well, it’s hard to believe, but 2013 is finally here (take that silly Mayans!) and we all know what that means…It’s time to make those infamous New Year’s resolutions (good luck ladies. You won’t be able to score an open elliptical at the gym for the next three weeks, at least).


But wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Before you start sucking down a lemon-cayenne pepper-maple syrup concoction, swearing off all carbs, or promising yourself you’ll lose 10 pounds by Valentine’s day…stop and think for a second. Sure it’s great to make a New Year’s resolution, but what exactly are you looking to resolve? Are you looking for a quick fix? Are you trying to fix too many things at once? People tend to be all gung-ho about their resolutions for the first few days or weeks, but what happens once February hits? Will those positive changes go right down the drain…?


 Before you start throwing around resolutions…consider this:


1.) What are your goals?

2.) What do you wish?

3.) What steps can you take to be the best YOU you can be?

4.) And most importantly…how can you set yourself up to succeed?


Then, write the answers down.


I don’t know about you, but when I write something down and my goals become visual, that’s when they become real.  Only then can I be honest with myself and think about what would truly make me happy so I can then create a plan to help me to achieve those dreams–not just for a few weeks, but for years to come. I’d be willing to bet that most people don’t take the time to map out how to make their resolutions a reality. They like the idea of change, but then they get too busy to find a logical way to make change happen. Perhaps this is the reason why resolutions don’t always stick!


My suggestion? Start off the year by buying a journal– something cute or pretty that you’ll want to write in (it may seem silly or juvenile to you at first, but it works! I just bought one today with lovely inspirational quotes on it). In my new journal, I’ll write down everything I want to see manifest throughout the year. Then throughout the year I can go back to that journal, track my progress, add new goals and see how far I’ve come. For me, this brings the Law of Attraction into the mix (if you haven’t read Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret,” I suggest you give it a shot!). You can read all about the Law of Attraction in my previous post here.


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Another suggestion for the new year? Be KIND with your resolutions! If you want to lose weight, and it’s healthy for you to do so… great! But instead of beating yourself up and thinking up all the negative ways you want to lose those pounds by cutting calories and depriving yourself… make a promise to hit the gym one extra day a week, or take another spin class, or relax in a bubble bath before bed instead of munching on late-night snacks, or if you want to munch on late night snacks…grab an apple! If you schedule your workouts, healthy meals, and “me” time into your week (mark your calendar!) and if you treat it like an appointment that you cannot break…you are more apt to stick with the new routine. This way, if you’re stuck deciding between happy hour or a yoga class…you can honestly say “Sorry! I can’t make it. I have a previous appointment!” (Namaste THAT ;) ). No matter what you do–most importantly–please remember….







If you do, I promise miracles will happen :) .


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As I mentioned in my last post, one way I like to kick off the New Year is by giving my diet a check-up. I’m a firm believer that when you feel healthy, you act healthy, and you make healthy choices throughout the day. Now I’ll admit it, overall I’m pretty darn good when it comes to my diet. I fill up on fruits, veggies, healthy fats and whole grains (while being sure to limit my gluten intake). I prefer fresh food to processed, packaged foods, I drink lots of water, and I try to limit sugar and buy organic as often as I can. However, the holidays mean sweets and goodies and fancy alcoholic drinks– and who doesn’t want to take part in some of the fun?? This is the one time of the year when it’s okay to indulge as long as you don’t go totally overboard. What I do find however, is that I go so long without needing or wanting any sweets and then as soon as I have a few around the holidays, it’s that much harder to kick those carb and sugar cravings. Sugar is a funny thing. It makes desserts taste delicious, but it makes YOU feel just awful! For example–after a few days of eating more sugar than normal, I begin to notice that I’m overly tired, I’m grouchy, my skin starts to break out, and I have to muster up the energy to do pretty much anything. Case in point–I feel pretty gross. So why do we keep on eating this stuff? Easy. The problem is this:




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As soon as you eat sugar–even a teeny, tiny amount–the brain gets activated and releases a burst of dopamine into the bloodstream. As soon as the dopamine levels lowers, and the sugar is out of your system, your body and brain crave more sugar to get that same “high” feeling. Consequently, the more sugar you eat, the more sugar you’ll eventually need to get that same feel good “sugar high.” Sounds pretty similar to other drug addictions, huh? This also means that if your body gets used to ingesting sugar all the time, you can experience temporary withdrawal symptoms when you finally cut it out (I’m talking headaches, hunger, and fatigue). But just like other addictions, cutting it out is worth it in the long run. Long-term sugar consumption sugar is linked to a slew of health problems including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and dental problems.


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And this is exactly why a detox/cleansing program is so beneficial this time of year.


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Thankfully Aster Elliott has all of our unhealthy cravings and holiday slip-ups covered! Aster Elliott (created by Aster Amelia Elliott, a board-certified nutrition consultant who has worked in the health and wellness industry extensively for over 15 years and has used nutrition as part of her holistic approach), offers a variety of vegan-friendly, all-natural, cleansing/detox programs that are tailored to fit your individual needs.


One thing that is the same across the boards however is the Aster Elliot Mission: “Aster Elliott is dedicated to enhancing your health and longevity through natural detoxifying cleanse systems. Given the environment we live in today, cleansing & detoxification of your body should be a regular part of your life.”


Some Important Facts About Aster Elliott Products:


1.) They use only the finest ingredients, most are organic, some are raw, they are pure, powerful and unique.

2.) There is an enormous amount of nurturing and care that goes into every program.

3.) No two natural detoxifying cleanse programs are alike. Choose a total body detox or a targeted system.

4.) No animal testing only human testing.

5.) Aster Elliott is environmentally aware of the planet and maintains GREEN whenever possible.

6.) Aster Elliott detoxification systems combine many different therapies; ortho-molecular, ayurvedic, homeopathic, aromatherapy, herbal extracts and whole food all working together as a team.


The popular detox programs available right now are the Catwalk Cleanse, the Corset Cleanse, the Candi Cleanse, the Rock Your Body Cleanse, the Detox Blast, the Pulse Detox Cleanse for Men, the Aster Detox (new), and the Aster Detox Plus (new). I purchased the six-day Corset Cleanse off of Rue La La a few weeks ago and decided to give it a shot.


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 Long story short?




The focus of this cleanse is on digestion and Aster Elliott believes that “by allowing the digestive tract to cleanse and become more efficient, you are rebuilding and improving the way your body distributes energy which equates to a healthier you; glowing skin, shinier hair, sparkling clear eyes and a sharp mind.” I will say, was a bit skeptical at first. I was afraid I’d be hungry, give in to my gluten cravings, or even (gasp!) miss the sugar I’d grown accustomed to over the holidays. So you can imagine (to my pleasant surprise) that by the end of my cleanse, my eyes were truly brighter, my skin was clearer, my tummy was flatter/rid of bloat, and I FELT LIGHT AND AMAZING. Even better? I didn’t get crazy hungry, I didn’t miss gluten or sugar, and I was still able to eat real food on this cleanse!


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The Corset Cleanse comes with a protein shake (called CORE) that you mix with a fiber supplement (called LEAN) and a dietary supplement of medium chain triglycerides (called TRIM) found in coconut and palm kernel oil that work amazingly well to help detoxify the liver and speed up metabolism. You use the shake to replace two meals a day after eating a piece of organic fruit. The cleanse also comes with a variety of herbal supplements (called STIR, TONE, and SOOTHE) that you take throughout the day  to enhance regularity, and detoxification, and to maximize the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. And what’s most helpful is that the cleanse includes a healthy meal guide full of lunch and snack options you can choose from throughout the week along with a post-detox food guide so you can continue to eat clean after the six-day cleanse is over.


And the BEST part of all?? 


From now until 1/10/2013, the collection of Aster Elliott Cleanses are 30% off! 



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Photo Credit: www.asterelliott.c



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So, what are you waiting for?


Make a resolution to be happier, healthier, (and maybe just a little bit hotter) in 2013 ;)


This is YOUR year!


Healthfully Yours,


Ashley Michelle




Is Sugar Addictive? 

Time Magazine: Sugar 

Livestrong: Cutting down sugar